Dead in Trespasses and Sins

Dead in Trespasses and Sins Eph.2:1 Dead in trespasses and sins is the state of man without Jesus Christ. The Ephesians have Jesus Christ. How does a person get in this dead state? What is the definition of quickened? What is the definition of quickened? Your King James Bible will...

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That Ye May Know

That Ye May Know Eph.1:18-23 Wisdom, revelation, and understanding are the three things that Paul ceased not to mention in his prayers for the Ephesians [1:16]. We have learned the advantage of praying for others and ourselves to have these things. Paul now tells the Ephesians that they need these...

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Who Hath Blessed Us

Who Hath Blessed Us Eph. 1:2-14 The apostle Paul describes how that God hath blessed us. Because we are now in Christ, there are spiritual blessings that we all are to take part in. Adoption, redemption, and our inheritance are the headings that these blessings fall under. Adoption [Verses 4-6]...

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In Christ

In Christ Jesus Eph.1:1 Paul begins his letter to the Ephesians by telling them who he is, an apostle of Jesus Christ, then tells that the letter is to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus. In this lesson we will study what it...

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An Apostle of Jesus Christ Eph. 1:1 Paul begins his letter to the Ephesians with this description of who he is. He is “an apostle of Jesus Christ”. In this lesson we are going to study who are the apostles in the Bible? We can easily locate the names of...

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Fearful Rev.21:1-8 Many times we bring lost people to this passage to show them where “unbelieving” people go at the final judgment. But, “fearful” people are listed first. I realize this passage does not affect a saved child of God, but we all stand before the same God (Heb.13:5-8), and...

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An Even Balance

Even Balance Job 31:6 “Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity”, Job want to be weighed in an even balance. I know that I desire to be weighed in an even balance when I am judged. In Guatemala, I saw a lady selling...

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