God’s Divine Hedge of Protection

God’s Divine Hedge of Protection “This present evil world” [Gal.1:4]     Controlled by Satan     [Jn.14:30] prince of this world [2 Cor.4:4] god of this world [Eph.2:2] prince of the power of the air Satan’s Objectives   [Jn.10:10] to steal, kill and destroy, [1 Pet.5:8] devour, [Rev.12:9] deceiver So, how do we possibly...

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The Bread Of Idleness

The Bread of Idleness Prov.31:27   Idleness is simply doing nothing. If a person is idle he is inactive or doing nothing. So what is the bread of idleness? Probably the things you consume or take part in that promote idleness. You probably have heard the phrase “Idle hands are...

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What can we learn from Dogs ?

What can we learn from Dogs? Job.12:7-8   I love my dog, and most people love dogs. God, on the other hand has nothing good to say about dogs in the Bible. Every passage has a negative context. Let’s explore some of these passages. There are many Christians that resemble...

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Fasting Judges 20:26                 Fasting has its first mention in your Bible in Judges 20:26. The children of Israel went up to the house of God and fasted until the evening. By reading the chapter you can see that they really needed to get hold God. Fasting is a very...

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Helping Others

Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves? Yes, But He Also Helps Those Who Can’t Help Themselves.   The story of the Good Samaritan [Luk.10:25-37], is a great example of how God helps those who can’t help themselves. Jesus also ends the passage with “Go, and do thou likewise”.  Let...

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The spirit of a man

The spirit of a man Prov.18:14             The spirit of a man is important. We are talking about the ability of a man to survive insurmountable obstacles. There are many war time examples of men with no food, ammunition, and worn down to the last stages of exhaustion are able...

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A Clean Home

A Clean Home Lev.14:48   What we are at home is a test of who we really are. Can you really judge book by its cover? Most of us come to church and are judged by “our cover”. How are we at home, where we are not on display? In...

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Pay your Vows

Pay your Vows Ps.66:13-14   David made sure to pay his vows, which his lips had uttered and his mouth had spoken. As we will see in this lesson vows are promises. Pay your vows, make good on every promise that comes out of your mouth. God commands it. So...

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