
Offended and Dealing with Others Prov. 25:8-12                 We all get offended and have need to deal with others about it. The Bible has some very good help in these matters. We have two main choices when we are offended, respond back to the offending party or keep it to...

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First Things First

First Things First Matt.6:33-34 First things first. You will do whatever you put first in your life. Usually we will put things that are fun, easy or profitable first in our life. We usually put unpleasant, hard or things that cost us last. God states clearly what He thinks should...

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Trust in the Lord with all thine Heart

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart Proverbs 3:5                 When I was first assigned the duty of teaching the College and Career group (and since then the Young Family group also) I was very unsure of the ability I possessed to teach anything that would be profitable to...

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Safety Tips for Christians

Safety Tips for Christians Safety is a concern of every parent. They want to provide a safe environment for their children. The Lord is the same way with his children. New York—bulletproof back-to-school clothes are the latest thing in New York City children who face a dangerous trip to and...

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The Thoughts of Your Heart

The Thoughts of Your Heart Prov.23:7 The thoughts of your heart control you. Your mind has a great control on every part of your life. So you need to be aware of your thoughts and get control over them.   [Gen.20:1-11]              Afraid The lord was protecting Abraham, yet his...

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 Compromise                 “Compromise” is not a word that is found in your Bible. According to the dictionary “compromise” means: a settlement of a dispute in which each concedes. To a Christian compromise is unacceptable because you must concede or sacrifice the principles of God. In this passage we see four...

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Practical Rules of Giving

Practical Rules of Giving [Ecclesiastes 11:1-6]  Solomon gives up some practical rules of giving in this passage.  1 Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Your Giving should be Intentional “Cast” means to send or drive by force, to throw, to fling, to...

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What’s Required in a Personal Relationship?

What’s Required in a Personal Relationship?                 A personal relationship requires certain things. A personal relationship with God is no different. After our salvation, our relationship with God is the most important aspect of our life. Without it, all else in this life is vanity. So what things are required...

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Boundaries Deu. 32:8 The Lord divides, separates, and sets bounds, or boundaries. We need boundaries in our lives to provide stability, separation, and security. You probably have locks on your doors and windows at home. In doing that, you have set boundaries that others are not to cross. Let us...

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