“Yet he hath not root in himself”

“Yet he hath not root in himself,” Matt.13:18-23                 The Lord speaks of one that “hath no root in himself” in this passage. In this lesson we will look at a few things about roots and what type you should have. Most of the time they, are not seen, they...

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Good Works

Good Works Eph.2:10                 We are created unto good works, and should walk in them. Salvation is by faith plus nothing, but the fruit of salvation is good works. Paul mentions good works several times in his letter to Titus. Good works are things done where God gets the glory...

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Living to Capacity

“Living to Capacity” Joshua 17:14-18             Living to capacity is what Joshua was asking the children of Israel to do. Excuses are the reason they never did. Take what the Lord has given you and do the best you can with it. When you stand before the Lord at the...

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What Measure You Mete

The “what measure ye mete” Principal     The Lord shows us very clearly in [Gal.6:7-8] that we reap what we sow.  We always reap the same “kind” [Gen.1:11-12] of whatsoever we have sowed. If you sow tomatoes you will reap tomatoes, not squash. In this lesson we are going...

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Your Conscience

Your Conscience Acts 23:1             Paul states in this passage that he has lived “in all good conscience before God until this day.” Could you make the same statement? Is your conscience good? What is a “conscience”? What does it do? What things affect it? Let’s look at the Bible...

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Things God Hates

 Things God Hates Zec.8:16-17 Zechariah was told by the Lord in this passage that there are some things God hates. If we really want to please God we need to take heed to the things God hates. Some times we don’t realize that what we consider a small fib or...

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Bad Counsel

Bad Counsel 1 Kings 13:1-24             This passage illustrates  how easy it is for us to receive and accept bad counsel. We have an unnamed man of God doing everything right. If this story ended in verse 10 or even in verse 17 we would say this man of God...

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Lot’s choice of Direction (Part 2)

SECOND MISTAKE Verse 9, Lot’s choice made according to a man’s suggestion with no regard to God. Abram had God all over his portion [Gen.13:14-18] Lot was probably riding on Abram’s coat tails, meaning his blessings had come from association with Abram. God had blessed him for Abram’s sake. Joseph...

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Lot’s Choice of Direction

Godly Choices     [Acts 9:6]         In this passage God got Saul’s attention and it resulted in this response, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Saul was now ready to make some Godly choices. If you tend to make choices based on anything other than the word of God, you...

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