Bad Counsel

Bad Counsel 1 Kings 13:1-24             This passage illustrates  how easy it is for us to receive and accept bad counsel. We have an unnamed man of God doing everything right. If this story ended in verse 10 or even in verse 17 we would say this man of God...

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Lot’s choice of Direction (Part 2)

SECOND MISTAKE Verse 9, Lot’s choice made according to a man’s suggestion with no regard to God. Abram had God all over his portion [Gen.13:14-18] Lot was probably riding on Abram’s coat tails, meaning his blessings had come from association with Abram. God had blessed him for Abram’s sake. Joseph...

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Lot’s Choice of Direction

Godly Choices     [Acts 9:6]         In this passage God got Saul’s attention and it resulted in this response, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Saul was now ready to make some Godly choices. If you tend to make choices based on anything other than the word of God, you...

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Be Not Deceived

Be Not Deceived Gen.3:1-6                 Eve was deceived or beguiled in the Garden of Eden, [3:13] and [1Tim.2:13-14]. She never saw the bad, she only saw the good. Sin always presents its self as good. Sin feels good, looks good, taste good, sounds good, and smells good. It will deceive you...

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Hard Heart?

Hard Heart? Proverbs 28:14               A callus is an example of the type of hardness that your heart can have. After getting a blister at one spot on your hand several times, a callus will form. That hard callus will block off the feeling that you should have at...

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The Winds of Everyday Life

The Winds of Everyday Life Acts 27                 Have you ever flown a kite? The wind is probably the most important part of the whole exercise. Without the wind, your kite will not fly. Once that kite is in the air it seems to really fight against the string. It...

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Prayer and Devine Providence

Prayer and Devine Providence Matt.10:29-31                 The providence of God means that God is in control of everything. Do you really believe that? Nothing takes place in the world without God’s consent. That doesn’t mean that he is responsible for, or approves of everything. God is not the author of...

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Pride Leads To Destruction

Pride Leads To Destruction Proverbs 15:25 The verse clearly states that “The Lord will destroy the house of the proud”.  Pride leads to destruction. Pride goeth before destruction [Prov.16:18] and [Prov.18:12]. We are going to look at some kings in the Bible and see how pride affected them. When the...

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Gossips, Busybodies, and Talebearers

Gossips, Busybodies, and Talebearers Ecc.7:21-22  Webster’s 1828 definitions: Gossip – [Not found in your Bible] “One who runs from house to house, tattling and telling news; an idle tattler.” Busybody – “One who officiously concerns himself with the affairs of others; a meddling person.” Talebearer – “A person who officiously...

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