What God Wants You to Lay Up For The Future?

  What  God wants you to lay up for the future?                                                                                            Gen. 41:46-48 God told Joseph to lay up  for the future bad years to come. We all know the story how it worked out in a way to save the nation of Israel. There are things that God...

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” Them that are without”

“Them that are without” Eph.2:8-13      This passage talks of two groups of people: those who are in Christ Jesus, saved and those who are without Christ, without hope, and without God in the world, lost. In this lesson we want to explore our responsibilities as Christians to “them that...

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Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth Your parents were keenly aware of your physical growth from your infancy well into your teens. They were mindful to feed you the things that your body needed, to grow correctly. They may have made you stand in the doorway of a closet and mark your height on...

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Forgiveness Luke 23:34      To forgive is simply to pardon, or to overlook an offence by another and treat the offender as not guilty. God was the first to forgive and is the best example for us to follow. In this lesson we will look at four different areas of...

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Boast Not Thyself of Tomorrow

Boast not thyself of to Morrow… Proverbs 27:10 Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Illustration May 20th I was upset because I had jury duty. On the night before I was in a car wreck. By the grace of God my...

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