Every Idle Word

Every Idle Word Matt. 12:36-37 Introduction: 1)      Isa. 55:8-9, God’s ways are different than the worlds. 2)      The world thinks lightly of certain types of speech. 3)      Matt. 12:36-37, The Lord says to take it seriously. 4)      Matt. 12:34, your speech reveals your heart. 5)      Matt. 12:35, your speech reveals...

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Finish What You Start

 Finish What You Start Luke 2:40-49             What the young Jesus was trying to tell his parents was “I have started something for my Father, and I must work on it until it is finished”. Even though Jesus was young he knew the importance of finishing what you start.  So,...

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Soul Winning

Soul Winning Prov.11:30             Do you consider yourself a soul winner? This text is where we get the phrase, even though Solomon had no concept of our definition. These seven things are things that anyone can do. You may never lead a person to the Lord, but you can do...

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Sanctification   Introduction:   Heb. 12:14 (Holiness) Very important subject.                             Some things that change when you get saved: 1)    Regeneration – your nature is changed               Born again Jn. 3:3               New Creature II Cor. 5:17 2)    Justification  –   your standing is changed               Standing- Refers to your position in                            ...

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Two Types of Promises in the Bible

Two Types of Promises in the Bible Vows and Oaths In your Bible the word Promise, including every tense, is used a total of 115 times. Only seven are not God’s promises. All of those seven have a bad connotation because they are promises of men. God really has no...

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What does God say about Homosexuals?

What does God say about Homosexuals?                 Lately in the news the Boy Scouts of America have announced that it will now be acceptable for homosexuals and any other perversion to become leaders of groups of children and young men in their organization. This organization has been in existence for...

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The Intercessory Work of Christ

                                                                              The Intercessory Work of Christ John 19:28-30 What is Jesus doing today? John 19:28-30     His work on earth is finished. All things were now accomplished! Hebrews 10:12    Where is He?   He is sitting at the right hand of God. John 14:1-3    He is preparing a place for us! Hebrews...

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Time With God

Time with God The Secret to a Christian Life   Text: (Gen 19:27) And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD: Intro: Abraham is an excellent example of Morning Time with God: You must make it happen. 1)       He got up...

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