Conditional Prayer

Conditional Prayer             God has put conditions on our prayers. There are certain things we should do and there certain things we must not do, if we want God to hear and answer our prayers. When you go to the throne of God and make your request don’t you want...

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Prayer Changes Things

Prayer Changes Things James 4:2 “…..yet ye have not, because ye ask not.” The biggest problem with our prayer life is “WE ASK NOT”. Many times the reason for this is that we think God won’t give us what we ask for. We think that God has his own will...

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How Does God Reveal His Will?

How Does God Reveal His Will? Eph.5:17 Part One The Testimony of Scripture [2 Timothy 3:16] ”All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” All the words in your Bible are inspired by God, not just the...

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God’s Will for MY Life

God’s Will for My Life 1 Thes.4:3                 Finding God’s will for your life is very simple. The Bible clearly states what is the will of God for you. We make the mistake of confusing God’s will and God’s plan for your life. God has a plan for your life...

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Separation  [2Cor.6:17] The Biblical doctrine of Separation is probably one of the most important doctrines for a Christian. The God we serve is not tolerant of any form of sin, so why would he allow us to be? Our Father expects us to be holy just as he is holy...

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Be Diligent

A Charge to Be Diligent Joshua 22:1-6 Joshua charges the Rubenites, Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh to be diligent. They had obeyed all the commandments of Moses and Joshua up to this point. They knew how to please God. Now they were going out on their own and...

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