A Prayer Checkup

“A Prayer Checkup” Ps. 19:14 Our prayer life needs a checkup from time to time. Just as your car, heart or health, computer, etc. need to be checked out, so does your prayer life. You could find problems that you didn’t know existed. You then can fix them before they...

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The Truth About Rebellion

  The Truth About Rebellion Proverbs 13:13 Proverbs 13:13, speaks of rebellion. Numbers in the Bible have meanings. Thirteen is generally associated with sin and rebellion. The word “rebel” is in thirteen verses in the Bible. Gen. 13:13, speaks of rebellion. Judas Iscariot = 13 letters Mark 3:19 = 13...

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Personal Offenses

Personal Offenses Matt.18:15-17                 Personal offenses will come! People are people, Christians are people. When a sin or offense is personal and private, the injured person should go at once to the one who has done the injury and show him his fault alone, [Matt.18:15]. Every effort should be made...

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Church Discipline

Church Discipline 1 Cor.5 The church has a responsibility to exercise discipline and exclude from its fellowship any member who persist in sin and disobedience to God’s word as found in 1 Cor. 5. Sin will spiritually affect the church and any of the blessings of God. The Lord shows...

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Be Not Silent

Be Not Silent Ps. 30:11-12             According to Acts 1:8, we are to be witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is a responsibility of every Christian. If you are saved, then you have the Holy Spirit of God living in you. You should have the desire to share the...

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Order or Disorder?

Order or Disorder? 1 Cor.14:40 “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1 Cor. 14:33 “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace…” God demands order: Details of His Creation (All created in perfect order) “and God saw that it was good” Details of the...

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Debt 1 Sam. 22:2                 The first time “debt” is mentioned in the Bible in in 1 Sam. 22:2. We find David escaping to the cave Adullam. In verse 2, three type of folks “gathered themselves unto” him, everyone that was in distress, in debt and discontented. These three always...

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How’s Your Countenance?

How’s Your Countenance? Genesis 4:5                 Cain’s countenance fell. He revealed on the outside, his attitude problem that was on the inside. How’s your countenance?  Are there problems on the inside of you that you try to hide on the outside? You have probably heard the term “poker face”, meaning...

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The Storms of Life

The Storms of Life Acts 27:9-13 Four Basic Reasons for the Storms of Life Storms that are of time and chance, Ecc. 9:11 and Matt.5:45, no one is exempt. Storms that are engineered by our own foolishness, Jonah 1-2. Storms that God sends us into for development, Matt.8:18. Storms that...

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Ye Ask, and Receive Not

Ye ask, and receive not James 4:3 James states the reason that we receive not, we ask amiss. Millions of people go through life never once praying to God to thank him or ask him for the things that they need. Many Christians pray daily but receive not. The Bible...

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