Watchmen, Keep not Silence, Is 62:6

Watchmen, Keep Not Silence Isa.62:6 The typical “watchman on the wall” intimidation: [Eze.33:7-8] You are a watchman, if you fail to warn the lost, their blood is on your hands! You now are the reason that they are going to hell. (Lots of bloody hands in the congregation at this...

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Waiting on God

Waiting on God Jer.14:22 Waiting on God is probably the hardest thing for a Christian to do. We live in a Now, now, now world. Everything is instant, everything must be fast. Computers, phones, etc. are fast today and need to be faster. When we need direction or help from...

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Anger Management

Anger Management James 1:19-20                 The Bible has a lot to say about Anger management. James deals with the wrath of man in this passage, and says we are to be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath. The wrath of man is not a display of...

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Male and Female

Male and Female Gen.1:27 God created them male and female. [Matt.19:4], Jesus repeats these facts. By definition men and women are different. [Matt.19:5-6], but we were made to go together! So we should complement each other. What does woman need in a man? What does a man need in a...

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Love is of God

Love is of God 1 Jn.4:7-8 True love is defined by God. So in our world today there are many myths concerning love. If we are not diligent, we will fall for the world’s definition of love. The divorce rate and alternative forms of marriage are proof positive of the...

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Biblical Salvation

Biblical Salvation “the act of saving, or deliverance from destruction” For salvation to be accomplished three things must be present: Something or someone that needs to be saved. (without it’s necessary) Something or someone that can save. (without it’s impossible) A means to connect the two. (By grace, through faith...

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Be Ye Holy

Be Ye Holy 1 Pet.1:15-16 God wants you to be Holy. He wants you free from sin and pure, because He is the purest example of Holiness. How does sinful man become holy? How does a Christian live a holy life? At Salvation your Soul is Holy At the moment...

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How to Survive a Bad Day

“How to Survive a Bad Day” Genesis 22:1-19 Have you ever had a bad day? Oh, you will!  Some signs you’re having a bad day: You call suicide prevention and they put you on hold. You turn on the evening news and they are showing emergency routes out of the...

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Refuse and Choose

Refuse and Choose Isa.7:15 Good choices will change your life. Jesus learned to make the correct choices and lived a sinless life. [Lk.2:40] “and the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.” [Lk.2:52] “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,...

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Prayer and Fasting

Prayer and Fasting Matt.17:14-21 Prayer and fasting, they go together, without prayer, fasting is just “going hungry”. Prayer is something that comes fairly naturally to each of us. Making our request to God daily, is a huge part of being a child of God. In this passage the Lord informs...

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