Offences Will Come

Offences Will Come Luke 17:1-4 Offences will come to each of us, making us the offended party. We will also be the offender from time to time. We need to know how to reconcile these offences as God would have it, and thus giving us peace and pleasing God. IF...

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Your Ministry of Reconciliation

Your Ministry of Reconciliation 2 Cor.5:17-21 God has reconciled us unto himself by Jesus Christ. You probably learned that you were a sinner and that sinners go to hell, so you got saved so you wouldn’t go to hell. Reconciliation is more than just a ticket out of hell. It...

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Two Sorrows

Two Sorrows 2 Cor.7:10 Paul writes of two types of sorrows in this passage, Godly sorrow and the sorrow of the world. They also have two different results. Many times, we see the ones that we love struggle because they never have a Godly sorrow, many times we struggle also,...

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If Sinners Entice Thee

If Sinners Entice Thee Prov.1:10-19 To entice someone is to incite or instigate by exciting hope or desire; usually in a bad sense; to entice one to evil, to seduce; to lead astray; to induce to sin by promises or persuasions. In this passage Solomon clearly shows the promises and...

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As a Watch in the Night

As a Watch in the Night Ps.90:4   A thousand years are as a watch in the night. [2 Peter 3:8] says a thousand years are as one day. [1 Thes.5:2] states that the Lord returns as a thief in the night. As we all look “for that blessed hope,...

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Prayer Answered Quickly

Prayer Answered Quickly Daniel 9   In This chapter Daniel gets his prayer answered, “while he was yet speaking”, verse 21. All of us want immediate answers to prayer. Some wait for answers for months or years. We must not interpret delays in answers for denials. We wait because it...

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The Local Church

The Local Church Heb. 10:25   The local church is one of three institutions commissioned by God, the others being the family and civil government. The local church is commissioned by God to carry out His purpose in reaching the lost and perfecting the saved. Therefore, God’s plan for a...

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Good Habits

Good Habits Habits are things we do repeatedly, most of the time we are hardly aware that we have them. They’re on autopilot. These seven habits are a great thing to have on autopilot. But, they will never become a habit if you don’t make it happen, it takes work,...

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