A Mature Believer’s Prayer

Philippians 1:3-11   Introduction: Paul was a mature believer and, in these verses, we find 5 marks of his maturity that we can all see and adopt as our own, so that we can grow as a Christian. So that we can be maturing in the faith. Paul, the mature believer:...

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The Practical living of a Christian

Ephesians 6:18-24  Introduction: In our last lesson, we saw the armor of a Christian Soldier. In this passage of scripture, Paul has written down his closing remarks to the Ephesians. If you notice, Paul makes some practical statements regarding his Christian life, which are examples of a Christian soldier, for...

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The Whole Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-18  Introduction: In this passage of scripture, we are told to put on the whole armor of God so that we may be able to “stand against the whiles of the devil”. Just like a soldier wears an armor that helps and protects him, as Christian soldiers, we are...

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The Christian Workman

  Ephesians 6:5-9  The Christian Workman is to Obey:  With Fear and Trembling– Vs 5 “with fear and trembling”. This is not a fear of our superiors. This is having a healthy fear of our “heavenly father” as we work for our “fleshly masters”. We respect our superiors because they...

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Obedient Children

Ephesians 6:1-4  Introduction: In this passage of scripture we see good instruction for children and parents. Part of the reason why children and parents have problems today is because we don’t believe or obey what the Bible says. Children and parents alike are to walk under God’s authority.  1.Children are...

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Husbands and Wives

Introduction: The Bible has instruction for every person. In this lesson, we are going to see God’s instruction to the husband and the wife. If this instruction is believed and applied in our lives, it will be a help to us in our marriages. This instruction is not grievous but...

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Walk Carefully and Strictly

Ephesians 5:15-21  Introduction: Every step the believer takes in life should be intentional and with purpose. Because it is so easy to take a wrong step in life and spend a lot of wasted time tying to correct our walk, we should consider the steps that we take. This is...

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Walk as Children of Light

Ephesians 5:8-14 Introduction: In this passage of scripture, we are told that we should walk as a child of light. At some point, we were all in darkness however, we are now in the light and should walk like it. Jesus has shown us light and made us light.  ...

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The Walk of the Believer

Ephesians 5:1-7  Introduction: In this passage of scripture, we read one of the greatest challenges and expectations for the believer. The great pattern for the believer is God himself. The believer is to walk through life following God every day of his or her life.  The Believer is to Follow...

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