When He Is Old Prov 22:6

When He Is Old Prov. 22: 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We understand that Prov 22:6 is a principle, not a promise.  However, we want to stress four words from this verse that are often overlooked.  They are “when he is old.”  That’s not when he is a teenager, or when...

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The Best Thing for Mothers Prov. 31:30

The Best Thing for Mothers Prov. 31: 30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is Mothers Day and we usually give our mothers special attention on this day.  The best thing you can do for your mother is to: Praise a mother who fears God – Prov 31:30 – she’s not a...

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Abigail’s Good Understanding 1 Sam 25:2-38

1 Sam 25 2-38 Abigail’s Good Understanding CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 25, we read about Abigail.  She is described in 1 Sam 25:3 as “a woman of good understanding and of a beautiful countenance.”  Before we consider how her good understanding was manifested in this chapter, let’s look...

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Thyself Hast Decided It 1 Ki 20:40

1 Ki 20 40 Thyself Hast Decided It CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO During the reign of the kings, it was common for people to appear before the king for judgment [2 Sam 15:6; 1 Ki 3:16-28].  In 1 Ki 20:35-43, a prophet disguised himself and waited for King Ahab to pass...

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No Errors in God’s Words Lev 11:20-23

Lev 11 20-23 No Errors in God’s Word CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The supposed contradictions in the Bible are reconciled by believing the Bible and by understanding that the information in the Bible is supplemental, not contradictory.  You must realize that men who purport to have found contradictions in the Bible...

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Effectual Words of God 1 Thes. 2:13

18-04-29 1 Thes 2 13 Effectual Words of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to 1 Thes 2:13, for the words of God to work effectually in you, there are three things that you must do.  And these things work in connection with each other.  In other words, if you...

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Turn Not Aside – Fear the Lord 1 Sam 12:20-22

Turn Not Aside 1 Sam 12: 20-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Samuel told Israel to turn not aside from following the Lord.   Israel had done wickedly in asking for a king.  They had rejected God [1 Sam 8:7; 10:19].  Even after all that God had done for them, they forsook the...

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Walk in Newness of Life Rom 6:4

Walk in the Newness of Life Rom. 6: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People have the idea that getting saved is about going to heaven when you die.  Our 100% sure tract asks, “If you died today are you 100% sure that you would go to heaven?”  I listened to a...

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