Eat With Them, Gen 24:31-54

One, often overlooked, method of dealing with folks about the Lord is to eat with them. Invite them to a meal at your house or at a restaurant where you can talk with them about the Lord. In a few weeks, we will preach what an old friend of mine...

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Prepare, Prov 30:25

Ants prepare their meat in the summer.  See Prov 6:6-8, as well. Gaining wisdom from ants, you should likewise: Prepare yourself unto every good work – 2 Tim 2:21.  Do what Paul says in 2 Tim 2:19-23.  Purge yourself from these.  You should depart from iniquity, become a vessel of...

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After the Flesh or After the Spirit, Rom 8:1-14

In Rom 8:1-14, Paul discusses the differences between walking, minding, and living after the flesh or after the Spirit. Walk after the flesh or after the Spirit, Rom 8:1-4. Rom 8:1, 4 to “walk after the flesh” concerns the way you walk.  Even after you’re saved, you can come into...

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Prayer That Avails Much, Jas 5:16

James 5:16 says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”.  Tonight we want to talk about prayer that avails much.  Prayer that avails much must be: Prayer – “prayer”.  The reason many of us don’t accomplish much through prayer is that we are simply not praying.  James...

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A Gift is as a Precious Stone

A Gift is as a Precious Stone Proverbs 17:8 This verse in Proverbs is a great verse. Note that it speaks of a gift if viewed properly, and used in the right hands will prosper. We will apply this spiritually to the spiritual gifts that are given by the Holy...

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Waiting on the Lord

Waiting on the Lord Isaiah 40:31 The verse for our sermon is a great verse as well as being a verse that is well known and has been used many times for encouragement throughout the ages. But if we look at the context of the chapter it may help us...

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Teach us to Pray

Luke 11:1-4  Introduction: In this passage of scripture, we see Jesus Christ, teaching the disciple to pray. This prayer was not necessarily meant to be prayed verbatim in a repetitious manner however, it is a good prayer to pray. More than just praying this prayer as it stands, it would...

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Guard Against These

Guard Against These Pleasing man. Jn 12:43, 1 Thes 2:4, Gal 1:10. Why even worry about making friends by being a man pleaser.  Men are very hard to please because you aren’t ever certain what it’s going to take to keep them happy.  When you are a man-pleaser, you aren’t...

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Believe the Word, 2 Thes 2:9-12

We are to believe the word of God.  That’s what God expects us to do.  He wants us to believe what he said. What the Bible says about sin we are to believe.  What the Bible says about righteousness and salvation, we are to believe.  Believe the word.  Believe what...

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