I Was Strengthened Dan.10:19

I Was Strengthened Dan.10:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are times when we need to be strengthened, when we have lost our courage and our grit and we are ready to throw in the towel.  What are some of the things the Lord gives us to strengthen us? We are strengthened...

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A Cheerful Countenance Prov. 15:13

A Cheerful Countenance Prov. 15:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all need a cheerful countenance that comes forth from a cheerful heart.  There is plenty of anger in the world, there is plenty of foolishness in the world.  We don’t need the world’s anger and we don’t need the world’s...

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Such a Man Matt. 26:17-19

Such a Man Matt. 26:17-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wow, to have your story told in the Bible! Wow, to have your name mentioned! But how many folks were mentioned, and served great purposes, but are name less! The thief on the cross The prodigal son The woman at the...

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Against the Knowledge of God II Cor. 10: 3-6

Against the Knowledge of God II Cor. 10: 3-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God and then you can’t see him or his hand in what you are doing.  You have to know God in your life and in every circumstance of...

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Commanded of God 1 Kings 17

Commanded of God 1 Kings 17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Introduction: Read 1-16 The Barrel and the Cruse that keep on giving! Verse 9 – “I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee” Did she act as if she had had a conversation with God prior to Elijah showing...

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Make Disciples Matt. 28:18-20

Make Disciples Matt. 28:18-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Some people believe that Matt 28:19 says, Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all nations…  They get this from going back to the “Greek.”  But Matt 28:19 doesn’t say that.  It says, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations… There is a...

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Fellowhelpers to the Truth III John 6-8

Fellowhelpers to the Truth III John 6-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are to be fellowhelpers to the truth.  In other words, we are to help each other with the Bible. We need help understanding the Bible – Acts 8:30-31 – the Ethiopian eunuch could not understand the passage in Isaiah...

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Do You Have Understanding Prov.1

Do You Have Understanding Prov. 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Understanding is mentioned 53 times in Proverbs. It is obviously very important.  Do you have understanding?  You know you are getting understanding when: You walk uprightly – Prov 15:21 – because you have departed from evil [Job 28:28].  You understand that...

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