Baptized with the Holy Ghost Matt. 3:11

Baptized with the Holy Ghost Matt. 3:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson on baptized with the Holy Ghost is a doctrinal study on what this baptism is and what it does.  In this study we will contrast this baptism with the baptism of 1 Cor 12:13.  Some believe that being...

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Big D 2 Thess. 2:10-12

Big D  2 Thess. 2:10-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Texas, the Big D stands for Dallas, but in the Christians life the Big D is for words that start with the letter D that can ruin your walk with God – you have to really watch out for these. Deception...

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Wise men and the providence of God

Wise men and the providence of God Matthew 2:1-18 This passage shows us the visit of the wise men to the young child Jesus. This is only recorded in the book of Matthew and contrary to popular thought the wise men did not come to the manger but Jesus could...

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Where is the Lamb Gen. 22:1-14

Where is the Lamb Gen 22:1-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the passage before us we see Isaac, who is a great type of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, ask a remarkable question. The question is, “but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” The reason that he is...

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Called to Serve Jn.12:24-26

Called to Serve Jn.12:24-26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Jn 12:24-26 when we are called serve the Lord Jesus, we must follow him.  We must hate our lives in this world to be able to serve God fully.  Jesus did [Matt 4:10].  Anna did [Lk 2:37]. And our service to...

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Be Ye Reconciled to God ll Cor. 5:17

Be Ye Reconciled Unto God ll Cor. 5:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul implored those who were among the lost in Corinth, Be ye reconciled to God.  We are ambassadors for Christ to beseech the lost to be saved. Paul implored those who were among the lost in Corinth, Be ye...

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Truths About the Lake of Fire.

Truths of the Lake of Fire CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before getting into the truths about the lake of fire and the main part of the sermon we will first look at some scripture to show the difference between Hell and the Lake of fire. Now this is a very important...

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Missions Is Of God

Missions is of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We often think of missions as something that we do in our churches for God.  But missions is of God. It’s something he does through us.  Missions is a demonstration of: The grace of God – 2 Cor 8:1 – God bestowed his...

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