Bear Fruit

If we do not reproduce ourselves and bear fruit we will die out.  The seed in the good ground “beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”  The seed sown among thorns was choked out and “he becometh unfruitful.”  So, it is evident that the Lord...

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Putting Away Bitterness, Eph 4:30-32

We have some excellent sermons and radio broadcasts on the subject of bitterness posted on line.  For example, The Evil Effects of Bitterness and Naomi’s Bitterness.  But there is something about putting away bitterness that is not covered in these other sermons.  So, we need to discuss putting away bitterness...

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Live By The Word, Deut 8:3

According to the Bible, we are to live by the word of God, every word of God.  In Deut 8:3, Moses wrote, “man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live”.  Jesus quoted this verse in...

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Continue With Zeal After Affliction, Ps 107

Affliction often draws you close to God as you see in Ps 107.  There’s a zeal for God in the trial, or the trouble, or the distress, or the affliction.  We are to continue with zeal after affliction passes. But as we can see with Israel, they repeatedly went back...

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Do Right At All Times, Ps 106:3

This sermon is called Do Right At All Times from Ps 106:3. We often speak of yielding to the righteousness of Jesus Christ in us so that the Holy Spirit will conform us to the image of Jesus.  We’re not working to match Christ’s perfect standard; we can yield to...

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