Raising Children of God III Judges 13:3-5

Raising Children of God III Judges 13:3-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is the third in a series of messages that we have preached on the subject of raising children.  Raising children of God takes: Preparation – prepare yourself for children – Jud 13:3-5,12-14 – Manoah asked, “How shall we order...

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Wednesday Night Prayer Acts1:14, 4:24

Wednesday Night Prayer Acts1:14, 4: 24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why do we keep having Wednesday night prayer?  The answer is found in the Bible.  We keep having Wednesday night prayer meeting because: Prayer keeps us in one accord – Acts 1:14; 4:24 – it’s the old adage that the family...

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Raising Children of God II Phil.2:1-2

Raising Children of God II Phil. 2:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When raising children of God there are some things that parents need to do to foster a godly home in which children can grow. Raising children of God [ones who are saved and no longer just children of Adam and...

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Our Abode John 14:23

Our Abode John 14:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Old Testament, when God revealed to Moses that he would dwell among the Jews, he instructed Moses to build the tabernacle [Ex 25:8-9].  And God gave Moses the pattern of the tabernacle and the instruments.  In other words, he designed his...

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Break the Cycle of Sin Rom. 6:1-2

Break the Cycle of Sin Rom. 6:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One thing I have noticed about Christians is that many times they are just stuck in the same sin – they may be ashamed and feel guilty or they may be defensive about their behavior or they may justify their...

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Raising Children of God 1 John 3:10

Raising Children of God 1 John 3:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you decide to have children you must remember the responsibility you assume.  You are charged with the task of rearing a child of God, not just a child.  So, often I have heard parents rejoice to tell others that...

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A Different Perspective Luke 4:5-6

A Different Perspective Luke 4:5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We need a different perspective to be able to understand the things going on before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We need to remember that the devil is running all the kingdoms of the world [Lk 4:5-6] and that...

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Results of a Midnight Prayer Meeting Acts 16:25-40

Results of a Midnight Prayer Meeting Acts 16:25-40 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul and Silas had a midnight prayer meeting when they were imprisoned in Philippi.  The results of their prayer meeting are astounding.  Their prayer [Jas 5:16] affected their: Temperament – Acts 16:25 – after prayer they sang praises –...

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How to Live in Perilous Times II Kings 22:17

How to Live in Perilous Times II Kings 22:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Josiah was the last great king that Judah had before the Babylonian invasion and captivity.  The times in which he ruled were perilous times.  The word of God had been neglected and rejected [2 Ki 22:13].  The country...

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The Assurance of the Rapture 1John 3:1-3

The Assurance of the Rapture 1John 3:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I was just thinking how important it is for us to be reminded of the rapture.  Because of the assurance of the rapture, we know that Jesus is coming but we often get our minds off this fact.  So, it’s...

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