You Must Rule Prov.25:28

You Must Rule Prov. 25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible shows that you have some areas of your life over which you must rule.  However, our tendency is to transfer the responsibility for these areas to someone else.  We will say things like, “I’m praying for God to do ‘this’...

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A Personal Witness John 9:1-41

A Personal Witness John 9:1-41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In talking with a friend who attends a large non-denominational church, I asked him about his church’s outreach.  He described a number of events but concluded that the most effective was to reach people is still one-on-one through personal witness.  It’s still...

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Beautiful Feet Is. 52:7

Beautiful Feet Is. 52:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Read with Rom 10:14-15.  When God speaks to us of preaching the word of God he does not emphasize the beautiful face, voice, personality, demeanor or dress of the preacher.  He mentions the beautiful feet.  That’s because his feet are shod with the...

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Spiritual Preparation 1 Sam. 7:3-12

Spiritual Preparation 1 Sam 7:3-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Preparation is vital to success in any endeavor.  Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”  The Lord says much about preparation in the Bible.  Ants are exceeding wise because “they prepare their meat in summer,” [Prov...

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The Seeing Eye Prov. 20:12

The Seeing Eye Prov. 20:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Seeing Eye – Prov 20:12 – God made your eyes but he didn’t put a gate on them – your eyes are obviously for seeing but not for looking at everything you can see – the children’s song, “Oh be careful...

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The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12

The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord made the hearing ear; the purpose for it, therefore, is to hear.  But he didn’t put a gate on it, so you must guard what goes in it and what stays out.  He intended it so that we could hear –...

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Lest Peradventure I See The Evil Gen. 44:34

Lest Peradventure I See The Evil Gen. 44: 34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Judah said to Joseph, Lest Peradventure I See The Evil that shall come on my father, concerning returning to Canaan without Benjamin.  Judah offered himself in Benjamin’s place because he would have rather been a bondman to Joseph...

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The Highway of the Upright Prov.16

The Highway of the Upright Prov.16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is on How to depart from evil.  To depart from evil you must recognize what evil is [Bible definition] and make a conscious decision to depart from it.  You depart from evil on the highway of the upright, just...

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Don’t Mock Sin Prov.14:9

Don’t Mock Sin Prov.14:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Fools make a mock at sin.  If you don’t want to be a fool, don’t mock sin.  Here are some ways fools laugh at, make fun of and deride sin.  They change the names to get rid of the transgression.  Drunkards aren’t sinners, they...

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For Jesus’ Sake Is. 48: 9-11

For Jesus’ Sake Is. 48: 9-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We get the idea sometimes as Christians that all the good things of salvation were given to us to demonstrate God’s love for us. We look at salvation simply from the view of what God did for us. It’s as if...

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