The Power of God

The Power of God 1 Cor. 1: 18-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In three things God demonstrated more power and wisdom than all of man’s wisdom and power combined.  The three things are found in 1 Cor 1:23.  Paul said, “We preach Christ crucified.”  Preaching involves the words of God; they’re...

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Abide With Us

Abide With Us CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO These disciples had been walking with Jesus not knowing that he had risen from the dead.  They were sad because they thought that he was still dead.  Jesus had been revealing to them from the scriptures the prophecies concerning his need to suffer before...

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A Sure Foundation

A Sure Foundation in Jesus Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Isaiah 28:16, Jesus Christ is depicted a stone, a sure foundation.  In truth, we find him to be: A Foundation Stone – 1 Cor 3:11 – he is the rock upon which our Christian lives are founded and he is...

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Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing

Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing John 15 1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus said that without me ye can do nothing.  Simply put, it’s not what we do for him that counts but rather what he does through us.  We spend lots of time and effort trying to do something...

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No Cloke For Their Sin

No Cloke for Their Sin John 15 22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In John 15:22, Jesus said they have no cloke for their sin.  That’s because Jesus had come and exposed their sin to them.  According to Paul in Romans 7:17, sin dwells in you and me.  According to Romans 7:23...

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Idolatry Exodus 32:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Don’t think that idolatry ended in Exodus 32 with this golden calf.  These Israelites had just heard God speak the Ten Commandments in Ex 20 and already they were violating the first two.  Those commands are still in effect today and yet men continue...

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They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word

They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There was no place that was without a gospel witness – in Acts 5:28, they filled Jerusalem with their doctrine – in Acts 16:20, they exceedingly troubled the city – in Acts 17:6, they turned the world upside down – I...

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The Three Crosses

The Three Crosses CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO T. DeWitt Talmage preached a sermon on Lk 23:33 entitled The Three Crosses.  From his sermon came the idea for this message. Had you been among the spectators the day Jesus was crucified, you would have seen three crosses: two thieves on either side...

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Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Once we are saved, we trust in the Lord to keep us saved and secure.  But practically speaking, we don’t trust in the Lord for so many other things and in so many other situations and circumstances.  When you trust in the Lord:...

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Churches Were Multiplied

Churches Were Multiplied CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The process of multiplication in Acts 9:31 involved the number of individuals multiplying and the number of churches multiplying.  In this fashion the churches were multiplied. I have seen a plan of discipleship by which more people than inhabit the earth could become Christians...

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