The Fruit of Righteousness

The Fruit of Righteousness Phil 1 11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, God gave you His righteousness as a gift [2 Cor 5:21].  That righteousness works inside of us by Jesus Christ to bring forth fruit unto the glory of God [Phil...

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The Fruit of the Word of God

The Fruit of the Word of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Sunday school we learned that there are five basic categories of fruit in a Christian’s life.  These are: The fruit of a good tree [Matt 7:17] which is fruit yielding works meet for repentance produced by the man. The...

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Great and Precious Promises

Exceeding Great & Precious Promises CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Through Jesus Christ we are given exceeding great and precious promises – we often sing the hymn, “Standing on the Promises” – and truly if we are standing on the promises of God then we are on solid ground – what are...

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The Light of the World

The Light of the World CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What we see about the blind man when he met Jesus, the Light of the world, is his: Blindness – v.1 – his blindness was upon him not because of sin but to reveal the works of Jesus, the light of the...

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The Renewing of Your Mind

The Renewing of Your Mind Romans 12:1- 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to our text, your transformation as a Christian takes place by the renewing of your mind.  Notice that when “man” was made, God “formed” him of the dust [Gen 2:7].  After the fall, we lost our form.  That’s...

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Their Lies Caused Them To Err

Their Lies Caused Them To Err CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Amos said about Judah, their lies caused them to err.  When we consider how people get messed up in the world, we often find that a lie is what caused them to get off track.  Lies like evolution, religion, sales pitches...

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Why Did Jesus Stay on the Cross?

Why Did Jesus Stay on the Cross Matt. 27:39 50 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why did Jesus stay on the cross? Jesus didn’t come down from the cross when he was taunted by the people around him: Because it pleased his Father – Is 53:10 says, “It pleased the Lord to...

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Train Leaders

Train Leaders 2 Tim. 2:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In order to fulfill 2 Tim 2:2, you must train leaders. Train the ones who are: Teachable – “Heard of me” – see Phil 4:9, learned, received, heard, seen in me do – so this type of teaching and training is caught...

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Weapons Against Sin

Weapons Against Sin. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Sin is not to reign in our bodies – we are to not let it have dominion over us.  In order to do that, we have to fight against sin with the weapons against sin that the Lord has given us. These weapons...

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The Faith of Abraham

The Faith of Abraham CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Heb 11:8 we learn something about the faith of Abraham that is remarkably helpful to us when considering a possible call of God into the ministry.  We also learn from his faith not to be afraid of the unknown; as long as...

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