
Epaphroditus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Epaphroditus supplied the lack of “service” to Paul by the Philippians.  Thus, he was a servant.   In the Lord’s ministry, Jesus said the greatest men were his servants [Matt 20:26-28].  From this text, we learn Epaphroditus’ excellent characteristics as a servant. In most churches today, you...

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Daniel’s Prayer

Daniel’s Prayer CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Daniel’s prayer is a prayer that ought to be prayed by every American.  Maybe then we would see God’s mercy and not his judgment on this country. Daniel’s prayer is exemplary to us in that his prayer shows us how to approach the Lord. He faced God...

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Deliverance God’s Way

Deliverance God’s Way CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Acts 12:1-11 This passage tells the story of how Peter was delivered from prison when Herod the king stretched forth his hand to vex certain of the church. It is an amazing example of how God’s deliverance works. Truly if God wanted Peter out...

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What is Your Life?

What Is Your Life CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO James summarizes your life here on earth in one simple verse.  When you hear what he has to say, you’re not going to like it.  But after you think about it a while, you will agree that he is right.  You will agree...

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Praying Always for You

Praying Always For You CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul’s statement to the Colossians, Praying always for you, describes his prayer life.  It was normal for him to pray everyday and when he did he included these folks in his prayers.  He wasn’t urgent and he wasn’t neglectful.  He was consistent and...

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The Requirements of Truth

The Requirements of Truth Acts 17 22-34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage Paul finds himself in Athens, a place described as “having more gods than people”. The Athenians were very careful not to leave out even one god in their statues and monuments. Therefore Paul found the altar with...

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The Ministry of Reconciliation

The Ministry of Reconciliation II Cor. 5:17-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Reconciliation is a matter of the Lord not imputing to us out trespasses against him.  Before we were saved, we were enemies, ungodly and sinners, Rom 5:6-10.  God reconciled us to him through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. ...

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Prayer and Obedience

Pray & Obedience 1 John 3:22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Our text, from 1 Jn 3:22, says, “And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.” We see here a great combination of prayer and obedience that...

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Dealing with Baggage

Dealing with Baggage CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Dealing with Baggage is a sermon to help you deal with your “baggage” from the past and to help you quit the sins that are associated with it.  Lots of people have baggage, things in their past that were so scarring they seem to...

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How to Defend Against Lust

How to Defend Against Lust James 1: 13-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is on how to defend against lust.  When Adam and Eve were created, they had everything they needed and were content.  However, the devil showed Eve that she was missing being “as gods knowing good and evil.” ...

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