The Integrity of Job

The Integrity of Job CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Integrity is the quality or state of being of sound moral principle.  It is an excellent quality.  It is based on Biblical principle but it is not something that comes from spirituality.  It is something in your character that can be bolstered by...

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Why Do People Hate the Name of Jesus

Why Do People Hate the Name of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the government considers removing “God” from public institutions, it’s not God that they despise so much as it is the name “Jesus.”  After all, we still have “In God We Trust” on our currency and we still pledge...

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The Woman with the Issue of Blood

The Woman with the Issue of Blood CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The woman with the issue of blood found in Jesus Christ what she could not find in the physicians of the world.  She found in Jesus: His Approachability – v.26-27 – She was spent and he was hard to...

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The Truth

The Truth John 14:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We preached last week on Col 2:8, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”  Today, in an effort to show you how to avoid...

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Where to Beware

Where to Beware Col 2: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This morning we told you what to beware of: philosophy, vain deceit, tradition of men, and rudiments of the world.  Now we’ll tell you where you find these things of which to beware and what to do about them. You’ll find the four...

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Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You

Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You Col 2:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before we get into the sermon Beware lest any man spoil you, it would be well for us to make sure we understand the things of which we are to beware and what can happen to us as a...

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Hindrances to Understanding the Bible

Hindrances to Understanding the Bible CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible is a book that we must all read.  Nevertheless, it is very hard to read a book that you don’t understand.  In order to remedy this problem, people initially try to find a Bible that is easier to understand.  However,...

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Dealing with Lust

Dealing With Lust CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lust is something with which we all have to deal.  When dealing with lust there are some practical principles that you can apply that will help you to not give into it. When dealing with lust, you need: Conviction – Jas 1:14 – you...

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Why Do Men Oppose the Gospel?

Why Do Men Oppose the Gospel Acts 4:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why do men oppose the gospel?  You would expect men to accept the gospel the same way that you have – like the Jews did who were pricked in their conscience in Acts 2:37 and like the Philippian jailer...

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Obey God

Obey God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Peter said, in response to his accusers, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”  Today we are going to see the hindrances to and the blessings of obeying God. In Acts 1:4, the Lord commanded the disciples to wait for the promise.  The promise...

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