The Time of the End

Daniel 12:1-4 Time of the End CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The time of the end is identified by a number of things: natural and international disasters [Matt 24], perilous times [2 Tim 3:1-7], and many running to and fro and knowledge increasing, as in our text. The alarming thing about the...

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The Character of Job

Job 1:1 Outstanding Characteristics of Job CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Job was perfect and upright and he feared God and eschewed evil – these four characteristics should be in us as God’s children – these things were said of Job three times (v.8, v.2:2-3) – there was none like him in the earth...

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The Ten Gates

Nehemiah.3:1-32 The 10 Gates CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The gates in Nehemiah 3 represent the spiritual growth and development of a child of God – as these gates are in the wall around Jerusalem and whereas New Jerusalem is our mother [Gal 4:26], we can see the typology connected with the...

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Humilitiy 1 Peter 5: 5-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Pet 5:5-9 – Read also Prov 15:33 and Phil 2:5-8.  According to our text, humility is the greatest way for you to: Get along with each other – v.5 – “all of you be subject one to another, and be...

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Arise and Build the Sanctuary

1 Chron.22 9-19 Arise and Build a Sanctuary   CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Chr 22:9-19, before David died and Solomon ascended to the throne of Israel, God gave David the pattern for the temple that Solomon was to build.  In this passage, David charges Solomon to build that “sanctuary...

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Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ

1Cor. 15:50 Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Our text is 1 Cor 15:50-58 – I’ve always wanted to be on the winning side – I like victory more than defeat – and when you are with Jesus you are guaranteed the victory – you are guaranteed:...

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A Sensible Relationship

John 1: 1-12 A Sensible Relationship CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage says, “as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God” and according to the Bible there are many aspects to receiving the Lord – they involve your whole being – all...

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They Were Righteous

Luke 18: 9-14 The Pharisee And The Publican  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Audience addressed by this parable was the self-righteous crowd.  They trusted in themselves that “they were righteous.”  To illustrate their true unrighteousness Jesus compared a Pharisee to a Publican.  Observe:  The Pharisee’s: Confident Approach – “he stood...

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Managing Cattle and Pastoring a Church

Managing Cattle and Pastoring a Church  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Pastoring a church is very similar to managing a herd of cattle.  Like a ranch manager, the pastor must: Provide Nutrition – Jn 21:15-17, Acts 20:28 and 1 Pet 5:2 tell pastors to feed the sheep.  The King James Bible is...

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