Why We Need Preaching
Why We Need Preaching CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Preaching is an absolute necessity for Christians – it keeps us in a growing and right relationship with the Lord.
Why We Need Preaching CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Preaching is an absolute necessity for Christians – it keeps us in a growing and right relationship with the Lord.
Col. 4:2 Gratitude CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul is an amazing character. Undoubtedly he is one of the most thankful men in the Bible. 26 times Paul specifically gives thanks for a multitude of things: for food, for friends who encouraged him, for the faith and testimony of his converts, for...
Being Stedfastly Minded For God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
The Doctrine of the Rapture CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Looking for Jesus does something for you. It: Tit 2:12-14 Keeps you motivated – it keeps you going until you finish what God has called you to do – when I cycle and feel myself dragging, finishing in time causes me to...
Matt 11:28-29 How To Deal With Stress CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I don’t recall a time when I have seen myself, so many of you and so many of my friends weighed down with such a load of care. We have to be able to function with this load without getting...
Matthew 27:34-36 Sitting Down They Watched Him There CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I have seen some pretty remarkable things as a spectator. But spectators just sit and watch; they don’t do anything to participate or win the game. The day Jesus was crucified, there were a bunch of spectators there who...
1 Tim 1:18, 6:12 Christian Warfare CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Lord’s work we are likened to laborers, fishermen, shepherds, etc. and here we are likened to soldiers. Paul said that we are soldiers in 2 Tim 2:3-4. He said that he fought a good fight in 2 Tim 4:7. ...
Ecc 11:1-6 Get It Out of Your Hands CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is a common thread in these verses and it deals with one topic manifested in two ways. There is something to eat in your hands (bread) [or something that yields something to eat (seed)] and you have to...
Freely Give Us All Things CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 8:32 we read, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Listen to the sermon and find out how.
Bro. Tony What Can Your Faith Do For Somebody Else CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a sermon on the four men that carried the fellow who was sick with the palsy to Jesus Christ. It was there faith that resulted in this man’s healing. Likewise, your faith can be effectual...