How to Reprove

II Tim 4:2-4 Giving Reproof CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The scripture exhorts preachers to reprove as part of preaching.  To reprove is to reprimand.  Synonyms are criticize, rebuke, scold, tell off, and admonish [warn].  Preachers are to  reprove, the words of God reprove [2 Tim 3:16], the Spirit of God reproves...

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Prayer When the Lord was Intreated

Judges 13:8-9 The Lord Was Intreated CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO An entreaty is an urgent prayer, an earnest petition, or a pressing solicitation.  To be entreated is to be prevailed upon by urgent solicitation or to consent to grant what is desired.  When we pray, we want to know that the...

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Our Friend Jesus Christ

Our Friend Jesus Christ  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 18:24, a friend shows himself friendly – in other words, by the things he does, he demonstrates that he is a friend – Jesus has certainly shown himself to be friendly to us – just look at some of the ways....

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We are Sons of God

1 John 3:1-3 We are Sons of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God.  When we get saved, we also become sons of God.  As a result, we can make some comparisons in this text between Jesus, the only begotten Son of God,...

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God is Light, Love and Life

God is Light, Love and Life 1 John 1:1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are three outstanding attributes of God that are clearly seen in the first epistle of John.  In this book we find that God is Light, Love and Life. God is:  Light – 1 Jn 1:5 – his...

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Trust in God

Ps 18 1-2, 30 Trust in God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You need to trust in God.  One of the best ways to approach a text like this is to treat it the same way that a reporter does a news item: by asking who, what, when, why and how....

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The Powerful Word of God

God’s Word is Powerful CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The powerful word of God shows us that evolution is utterly contrary to the words of God. Evolution goes like this: BANG!  Then chaos.  Then order. God’s words go like this: Order. Then chaos.  Then BANG! Pastor Bevans Welder

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Perfect Father

Perfect Father – CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.  Matthew 5:48 In New Testament Salvation we are born to a perfect Father.  Therefore, as our Father is perfect, so we are to be perfect.

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