Tomorrow, Prov 27:1

Tomorrow There are three things that come to mind about tomorrow. Boast not – Prov 27:1.  For thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.  Boasting about tomorrow is a statement of pride.  The circumstances that appear to be in your favor today may be substantially against you tomorrow....

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The Image of His Son, Rom 8:29

The Image of His Son What impression do people have about Jesus after they have been with you?  Can they see his image in you.  Jesus said to Philip, “he that hath seen me hath seen the Father”, Jn 14:9.  They could certainly see the Father in Jesus if they...

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Benefits of Forgiveness, Col 3:13

Benefits of Forgiveness  The benefits of forgiveness are clearly stated in the Bible.  Forgiveness affects you and the person you forgive.  Plus, there are great spiritual blessings, as well.  There are several reasons why you might not have forgiven someone who has hurt you.  It can be difficult to forgive. ...

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River of Thy Pleasures, Ps 36:7-8

River of thy Pleasures In Ps 36:7-8, the Lord shows us that he will make his children, who trust him, drink of the river of his pleasures.  We’re going to discuss this verse along with a few other verses to glean an important truth about the “river of thy pleasures”....

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A Full House, Lk 14:23

A Full House We preached on Lk 14:16-24, when we decided to have the special Friend Day.  So, we’ll return to this text tonight to glean a nugget of truth regarding the people we invited to be our guests for Friend Day this morning.  Our first point is found in...

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Receive the Gift of God, Rom 6:23

Receive the gift of God Today we’re going to discuss the gift of God in Rom 6:23.  But before we do, we should consider the first part of the verse.  The first part of the verse helps us to understand why God offers us the gift of eternal life in...

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Shall Be Made Fat, Prov 28:25

Shall Be Made Fat When we think of fat, we think of the animal and human tissue that is greasy or oily.  For example, the fat of animals sacrificed to the Lord was burned.  And in 1 Sam 2:29, Eli and his sons made themselves fat with the offerings of...

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Broken For You, 1 Cor 11:24

Broken For You When you go back and look at the gospel accounts of the Lord’s Supper, you don’t find a reference to Jesus saying that his body was broken.  Matt 26:26 says, “Take, eat; this is my body.”  Mk 14:22 says, “Take, eat: this is my body.”  Lk 22:19...

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Seek Jesus Face, Hos 5:15

Seek Jesus Face In five different passage of the Bible we are directed to seek the Lord’s face. We are going to discuss these in the order a person might seek him when either first getting saved or when getting off track in sin. Acknowledge your offence and seek Jesus...

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