Attend To My Words, Prov 4:20-22

Our text is Prov 4:20-22.  In this passage, Solomon says, “Attend to my words”.   You get connected to God’s words and they connect with you. John Maxwell says that to connect with people when you’re communicating, you have to connect intellectually, verbally, visually, and emotionally.  Intellectually involves the mind. ...

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The Knowledge of God, Rom 11:33

I’m convinced that one of the main reasons so many people are so far from God and so many young Christians are turning from God is that they have no knowledge of God.  They use the name God when they talk about him.  And they talk like they know him. ...

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Thrust Out A Little, Lk 5:1-11

In Lk 5:1-11, Jesus preached to a crowd of people on the shores of the lake of Gennesaret.  The people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, Lk 5:1.  And since there were two unoccupied ships nearby, the Lord entered into the one owned by Simon, and “prayed...

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Dwelling by the Well

Dwelling by the Well (Genesis 25:7-11) In this sermon we are going to look at several significant events that happened at or in association with wells throughout the word of God. We will then use the well as a type of a personal meeting with God through his word to...

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Paul’s Entrance Unto the Thessalonians

Introduction: Acts 17:1-4 The door is opened to go unto Thessalonica, and they followed the leading of the Spirit of God in obedience. Because of it, Paul, Silas, and Timothy were able to accomplish the preaching of the gospel with effectiveness, with boldness, with sincerity, and pleasing God.  Paul, Silvanus, and...

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Noahs Ark a Type of Christ, Heb 11:7

In Heb 11:7, Noahs ark is a type of Christ and typifies our salvation and relationship to Christ. Here are some of the ways Noahs ark is a type of Christ: It was made of wood – Gen 6:14. The Lord said, “Make thee an ark of gopher wood”. Living...

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