The Lord is at Hand

Philippians 4:1-5 “The Lord is at hand”.  Introduction: In this passage of scripture, Paul ends in vs 5 by saying “The Lord is at hand”. In other words, Jesus Christ is coming back soon for his church, the bride of Christ, that is, every believer that’s here this morning. There is...

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Why the Lord must be our God

Why the Lord Must Be Your God Genesis 28:10-22 In our passage God reveals himself personally to Jacob in a dream. There is no doubt that Jacob knew about God. Certainly Issac, and even Abraham had told him and Esau all about God and the promises that he had given...

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The Kind of Men We Need

The Kind of Men We Need 2 Samuel 11:1-27 In this sermon we will look at Uriah the Hittite as type of a saved person and a faithful soldier of Jesus Christ who died with honor on the battlefield serving the King. In 2 Timothy 2:1-4 we see some things...

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The Reality of Hell

The Reality of Hell Luke 16:19-31 In our passage for this sermon Jesus gives a description of what happens to a person that goes to hell. We will use some of the things found in this passage as well as things found elsewhere in the Bible to show the reality...

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I Speak Freely, Acts 26:26

I Speak Freely This will be a short sermon with one main point.  In Acts 26:26, Paul said, “I speak freely” when he was addressing King Agrippa and Festus.  Festus thought Paul was beside himself and mad.  He wasn’t.  He just spoke without reservation or restraint when he gave his...

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Trey Williams Testimony

Trey Williams Testimony Master Chief Trey Williams served in the U S Navy for 20 years.  He was a Master Diver.  After he was saved, he began serving the Lord faithfully wherever he and his wife, Lee, and their children were stationed.  Over the years, the Lord has been preparing...

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Follow Thou Me, Jn 21:22

Follow Thou Me Jesus told Peter in Jn 21:19, “Follow Me”.  But when John walked up, Peter wanted to know what Jesus was going to tell him to do.  And Jesus replied, “what is that to thee? Follow thou me”.  When it comes to following Jesus, we need to concern...

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Publication and Proclamation, Ps 68:11

Publication and Proclamation On Wednesday nights recently we have preached on prayer and praise. Tonight we’ll discuss publication and proclamation.  Publication and proclamation are done through passing out literature (tracts and New Testaments) and telling others about Jesus (either preaching or witnessing). In Ps 68:11 notice these truths. The words...

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Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles

Acts 26:16-18 Introduction: In this passage of scripture Paul is going through his conversion experience before king Agrippa. Paul explains how he is to be a minister and a witness for God to the people and Gentiles. Paul then is given five specific things in verse 18, that his ministry...

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Joseph Remembered the Dreams, Gen 42:9

Joseph Remembered the Dreams In Gen 42:9, Joseph remembered the dreams.  There was a gap of many years between his dreams and the day that Joseph remembered the dreams.  This message is about how to handle life until your dreams are fulfilled. In Gen 37:5-10, we read about Joseph’s dreams. ...

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