After The Order of Melchisedec, Heb 7

In Hebrews 7 Paul explains how Jesus Christ is a high priest who is greater than the Levitical priests who descended from Aaron.  Jesus Christ is a priest after the order of Melchisedec, v.1-3, Ps 110:4.   This is significant because: Melchisedec was a king, v.1-2.  His name means King...

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Hope Unto The End, Heb 6:1-20

Hebrews 6 is a pivotal chapter in Paul’s presentation of Jesus Christ to the Hebrews.  He is getting ready to show them some things, in chapters 7 through 10, that Jews are going to have a hard time accepting.  He is going to prove to them that Jesus Christ and...

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The Author of Eternal Salvation, Heb 5

In Hebrews Chapter 5, Paul continues his discussion about Jesus Christ the high priest which he started in Heb 4:14-15.  See Heb 2:17 and 3:1 for earlier references to him as the high priest.  Paul writes about the high priesthood of Jesus all the way through Heb 10.  In this...

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Labor To Enter The Rest, Heb 4:1-16

The Hebrews in the Tribulation must labor to enter the rest that was promised to them in their land during the millennial reign of Jesus The Rest Was Promised To The Hebrews v.1 Let us therefore fear.  Paul has been comparing the Jews who wandered in the wilderness, who were...

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Consider Christ Jesus, Heb 3:1-19

When Paul wrote Hebrews, he already knew that the church would be raptured, that the Tribulation would be principally directed toward the Jews, and that a person in the Tribulation would have to endure to the end to be saved, Matt 10:22, Heb 3:6, 14. In v.1 Holy brethren are...

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He Took On Him The Seed of Abraham, Heb 2

In Heb 2:16, we read that Jesus “took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham”.  Why? To accomplish so great salvation – Heb 2:1-4.  The gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is “great salvation”.  By...

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Jesus Is Better Than Angels, Heb 1

In the beginning of Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews, he establishes immediately that Jesus is better than angels.  The entire chapter is devoted to enumerating the numerous ways in which Jesus is so much better than they are.  The reason for proving that Jesus is better than angels is that...

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