What about Predestination?

What about Predestination? Ephesians 1:3-14 In this lesson we will focus on the word predestination. It is only used four times in a King James Bible but yet there is a lot of controversy concerning this word. As we will see by looking at the context and getting a proper...

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What Does The New Testament Say About Giving?

What does the New Testament say about Giving? 2 Corinthians 9:7 It is true that tithing is not found in the Pauline epistles but as we see in the verse for our lesson there is a command to give. In this lesson we will look at this verse and the...

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How to Study the Bible

How to Study the Bible (Part 3) 2 Timothy 2:15 In the second lesson of this series we focused on the Holy Spirit being the interpreter of God’s word. The Holy Spirit as the interpreter of God’s word show us the true meaning of God’s word by comparing spiritual things...

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How to Study the Bible (Part 2)

How to Study the Bible (Part 2) 2 Timothy 2:15 In the first part of this series we saw that the first step toward studying and learning the word of God was to consistently read the word of God. Once we have a regular pattern of getting the word of...

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How to Study the Bible (Part 1)

How to Study the Bible (Part 1) 2 Timothy 2:15 Here we see a command for us in regard to studying the Bible. Studying the Bible should be one of our greatest passions as children of God, but for many it not such an easy task. In these lesson we...

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Getting Counsel (Part 2)

Getting Counsel (Part 2) Genesis 16:1-16 with Genesis 21:1-14 In the second part of this lesson, we are going to make an application of what we learned in the first part of this lesson regarding counsel. The main point we saw in the first part of this lesson was to...

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Getting Counsel (Part 1)

 Getting Counsel (Part 1) 1 Kings 12:1-15 In this passage Rehoboam is faced with a challenge regarding Jeroboam and some of the children of Israel. When Rehoboam is made king Jeroboam comes to him on and asked to have the heavy yoke that was placed by Solomon lightened. Rehoboam does...

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Being Constant

Being Constant 1 Chronicles 28:1-21 In the passage for this lesson David is giving words of instruction to Solomon regarding the fact that God has chosen him to be king and to build the house of the Lord that God would not allow David to build. Note in verse 7...

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Being the Mother of Jesus

Being the Mother of Jesus Luke 2:1-52 In this lesson we are going to focus on many of the things that Mary was told about Jesus before he was born. In looking at these things we can see how that Mary and Joseph had one of the most challenging job,...

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Joseph and Mary Picked by God

Joseph and Mary, Picked by God (Matthew 1:1-16 ; Luke 3:23-38) One of the overlooked facts in the passages that we use for Christmas is how God worked behind the scenes to bring about certain prophesies concerning the birth of Jesus Christ. In this lesson we will look at some...

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