Shepherding Your Child’s Heart (Part 1)

Proverbs 4:23 This lesson we will study the heart of a child and how a parent is involved in shepherding their child’s heart. Your Child’s Heart is NOT a blank slate – The second thing to know about your child’s heart is it’s nature is sinful and rebellious. That means...

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Elimelech – A Carnally Minded Father

Ruth 1:1-6 Elimelech was a a carnally minded father.  Let’s find out what that means, why it is bad, and what dads can do to avoid being carnally minded. Pursues Convenience over the Will of God You will constantly be pushed and stressed to move in a direction contrary to...

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A Wife’s Needs

1 Peter 3:7 According to 1 Peter 3:7, your wife needs some things from you as a husband.  Let’s look at what those are. Dwell with them according to knowledge Know your wife – difficult for men b/c you aren’t wired relationally, empathetically difficult for men b/c you don’t think...

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Disagreement with My Husband

Daniel 1:8-16 If you’ve been married any length of time then you and your spouse have disagreed at one point in time or another. How you handle that disagreement makes all the difference. Today we’ll address the wives. You’ll find that these principles work in any situation where a person...

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How to Love Your Wife

Ephesians 5:25-28 Marriage is a picture of Christ and the church.  Marriage is an institution that teaches doctrine by example.  Just as Jesus Christ used the example of a seed and various types of ground to teach how the words of God are received, so marriage teaches the relationship of...

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Social Pitfalls

Proverbs 1:10-33 You and I are impressionable.  The moment you think you’re not is the moment you are ripe for the world’s picking.  Accept the fact that you and your children are impressionable and protect yourself from bad influences.  Let’s look at Proverbs 1:10-33 and make some notes about social...

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Benefits of Obedience

Proverbs 1:7-9 There are several benefits of obedience.  Proverbs lays out God’s curriculum for parents to instruct their children.  24 times in Proverbs the phrase “my son” is used:  23 times by a father and 1 time by a mother.  Proverbs is a pattern of education, noted in verses 1:1-6,...

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Role of a Wife

Genesis 2:23, Titus 2:4-5, Proverbs 31:10-31 A wife’s role in the marriage and in the family is laid out in the Bible very clearly.  God made men and women to compliment each other, so let’s look at how that works. Wife’s Role in Companionship It wasn’t good for man to...

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Men and Women

Genesis 2:5-24 Men and women are different and that is how God created us.  He created two complimentary beings that fit together like a puzzle.  We will look at God’s creation account in Genesis 2 to see how God wired men and women to complement each other. Emotional Differences First...

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The Role of a Husband

Ephesians 5:22-28 Every member of the family has responsibilities according to their God-given role.  A husband’s responsibilities are laid out in the Bible as three “L”s: Love, Lead, and Labor.  All these describe the protective and stabilizing influence the husband is to the household. Love Husbands love your wives (Ephesians...

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