Attack on the Family

Introduction: Today we are living in a world, that is the world system, that is against God and the Bible. The world is against Bible Believers and the institution of the family. These people hate God, work for the devil, and are attacking you. After looking at this lesson thoroughly,...

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Husband and Wife Responsibilities

Ephesians 5:22-33 Introduction: The Bible has instruction for every person. In this lesson, we are going to see God’s instruction to the husband and the wife. If this instruction is believed and applied in our lives, it will be a help to us in our marriages. It will help us...

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Attack on the Family

Introduction: Today we are living in a world, that is the world system, that is against God and the Bible. The world is against Bible Believers and the institution of the family. These people hate God, work for the devil, and are attacking you. After looking at this lesson thoroughly,...

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A Prosperous and Successful Life

Joshua 1:8  What are some things the world does in order to have a prosperous and successful life? They cheat, lie, slander, step on and over people,  Introduction: In this verse of scripture we see the LORD speaking to Joshua regarding the nation of Israel in vs 1. With that...

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The Little Unattended Things

Introduction: In marriage, there are things that will come up from time to time that will break down the unity of marriage. Often times, these things will start off small and then become bigger and badder. Little things unattended will lead to bigger things and can eventually lead to a...

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God knows Everything About Us

Introduction: God knows everything about us, and there is no need to hide anything from God. In today’s lesson, we want to see some things that God knows about us that often times we forget or try to hide from God. The purpose of this lesson is to remind us...

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Spousal Communication

Introduction: This lesson is on spousal communication. When was the last time you heard teaching about spousal communication in a Sunday school? This is not frequently taught or addressed in church and yet it is something that we do on a daily basis. Whether the spousal communication is good or...

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Practical Things to Keep us Out of Trouble

Practical Things to Stay out of Trouble  Introduction: Last week we covered a lesson regarding (How to deal with Trouble). We stated that we can deal with trouble by Seeking for God, Trusting in God, Waiting on God, Hoping in God, and Giving it to God.  The things we are...

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How to Deal with Trouble

Trouble: that which causes concern or distress.  Introduction: The Bible has a lot to say regarding the troubles of life. Troubles come in all shapes and sizes, in all places, and to all people. The troubles of life are inevitable and often come when you’re not ready for them or...

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Helpful Daily Instruction

Introduction: In this lesson we are going to see four things that the Believer is commanded to do. These four things will keep us from getting into trouble with other people and with worldly things.  Abstain from all Appearance of Evil– I Thessalonians 5:22 “Abstain from all appearance of evil”....

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