Home Making (Part 1)

Proverbs 31:10-11 The virtuous woman is described in relation to her husband, her work, her home, her person, and to God.  She is a good wife, a good neighbor, a good mother, and a good woman.  Proverbs 31 is the measuring stick for a Biblical woman.  Verses 28-29 are the...

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Mary & Martha

Luke 10:38-42 Mary’s Godly Priorities …a certain woman named Martha (10:38) …a sister called Mary (10:39) Martha is not carnal because the work she is doing is carnal or unspiritual, she is unspiritual because of the priorities she has.  Compare them with Mary’s priorities. Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard...

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Money Matters – Diligence

Proverbs 27:23 Diligence is a characteristic that centers on action.  Diligence understands the equation that time and energy (work) equal productivity.  Diligence is an aspect of wisdom. Enemies of Diligence Slacker – Proverbs 10:4 He refuses to work because he likes to live in the moment.  No prudence or aforethought....

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Money Matters – Covetousness

1 Timothy 6:3-10, 17-19 Most couples site financial troubles as the main source of marital strife.  Those money problems stem from these three things.  Money problems in marriage come from 1) the sin of covetousness, 2) bad money management, 3) miscommunication about money.  Today, we will look at the sin...

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Communication in Marriage

Mark 7:31-37 Communication is a skill that is developed.  Let’s consider the five parts of communication using the account of the Lord Jesus Christ healing a man who had communication problems.  This man is much like many marriages, unable to speak, unable to hear, and hindered in his communication. Initial...

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Training Children (Part 3)

Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:2-3 This is the final part in the series on Training Children.  We’re covering three duties of children and how we as parents enforce these duties.  Children are told to Hear their parents, Obey their parents, and Honor their parents.  Training is more than teaching.  Training is...

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Training Children (Part 2)

Ephesians 6:1-3 When it comes to training children the second on our list of things God requires of children is obedience to their parents.  You may ask why are we teaching parents a commandment children are required to heed.  Well, it’s like doggy obedience school, training the dog is more...

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Training Children (Part 1)

Proverbs 1:8, Ephesians 6:1-2 Proverbs is a book about training children.  There is not another book like it in the Bible that begins with the words of a father and ends with the words of a mother.  Proverbs contains principles of wise living.  God’s curriculum for children is superior to...

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Walls of a Godly Home: #4 Walk in Integrity

Proverbs 11:3, 20:7, Psalm 25:21, Job 2:8 Be a person of integrity because your family will appreciate and be blessed by your integrity.  The alternative will be disastrous. Integrity is a Guide Proverbs 11:3 – Integrity is a guide that goes before you Another name for this is Ethics. It’s...

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Walls of a Godly Home: #3 Renew Your Mind

Romans 12:2 Knowledge has consequences.  Information is influential.  It will affect your attitude (Ecclesiastes 1:8) and it will affect your behavior (Proverbs 23:7). Conformed to this world… The American Cancer Society collected statistics of children with cancer in homes of smokers.  In homes where one parent smoked children were twice...

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