Training Children (Part 1)

Proverbs 1:8, Ephesians 6:1-2 Proverbs is a book about training children.  There is not another book like it in the Bible that begins with the words of a father and ends with the words of a mother.  Proverbs contains principles of wise living.  God’s curriculum for children is superior to...

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Walls of a Godly Home: #4 Walk in Integrity

Proverbs 11:3, 20:7, Psalm 25:21, Job 2:8 Be a person of integrity because your family will appreciate and be blessed by your integrity.  The alternative will be disastrous. Integrity is a Guide Proverbs 11:3 – Integrity is a guide that goes before you Another name for this is Ethics. It’s...

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Walls of a Godly Home: #3 Renew Your Mind

Romans 12:2 Knowledge has consequences.  Information is influential.  It will affect your attitude (Ecclesiastes 1:8) and it will affect your behavior (Proverbs 23:7). Conformed to this world… The American Cancer Society collected statistics of children with cancer in homes of smokers.  In homes where one parent smoked children were twice...

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Walls of a Godly Home: #2 Tame Your Tongue

James 3:1-16 Learn to Listen James 3:1-2 Be not many masters… You will never say anything worth saying until you learn to listen.  Seek to understand, not be understood.  If what you’re about to say can be summed up with the phrase, “And that’s why I’m right and you’re wrong!” then grow up....

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Walls of a Godly Home: #1 Rule Your Spirit

Proverbs 16:32 In this series of lessons we’ll look at some scriptural “walls” that need to be in place in order to protect and provide an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit of God to work in your home.  Worldly heroism is might, but godly heroism is in the mastery of...

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Resolving Marital Conflict

Resolving Marital Conflict Colossians 3:1-10 In this lesson we will take from Colossians 3 some very practical help resolving marital conflict. This is good instruction at whatever stage your marriage is in. 1. Draw close to the Lord 3:1-2 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which...

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The Local Church and the Family

The Local Church and the Family  Acts 2:41-47 What is the church? The church is the body of Jesus Christ according to Romans 12:4-5 & Ephesians 5:30.  It is also the pillar and ground of the truth according to 1 Timothy 3:15.  A person becomes a member of the body...

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Parental Guidance: Five Duties of Parents

Isaiah 5:2 Parenting is essentially creating an environment suitable for growth because there is no “silver bullet” guarantee.  Jacob and Esau were raised in the same home.  These five things that God did with Israel do show us a parent’s duty though.    1 – Fenced It Clearly defined guidelines – Ignoring...

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Foundations of Marriage (Part 2)

Genesis 2:24 Recap from last week of what God created marriage to be.  First of all it is changing your relationship PRIORITIES.  You’re moving from mom and dad to husband and wife.  God said it this way, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother.  Mom and Dad...

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Foundations of Marriage (Part 1)

Genesis 2:24-25 God has established laws that govern without respect of persons. The law of gravity is a law without regard for who it affects.  If a person decides to jump out of a building they will fall.  If the President of the United States decides to jump out of...

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