Holiness in the Home

Our vocabulary needs to be God’s vocabulary, but it isn’t.  We have called drunkenness alcoholism.  A thief is a kleptomaniac.  Someone who wallows in thoughts about themselves is called manically depressed by psychology.  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a statement about what someone is doing, but not why they do it....

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Ephesians 5:25 & Titus 2:4 The word love is used for almost anything these days.  I love my dog.  I love ice cream.  I love baseball.  Love is also associated with certain feelings.  The poets and philosophers disagree on what love is.  They range in their descriptions from the highest...

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Joseph – A Study in Leadership

Genesis 41 41:14 – 24 – God’s Glory versus Your Glory Seek opportunities for God, not you – Joseph could’ve said, “Well I can do that for you.”  Instead, he said, It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace. – Psalms 75:6-7 – An opportunity...

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Leadership (Part 1) – Direction

1 Timothy 1:3-20 In the book of 1st Timothy Paul passes the torch to Timothy and gives him “charge” to minister to the church at Ephesus.  In the next few lessons we’ll cover the subject of leadership.  The book of 1st Timothy can be divided into three aspects of leadership:...

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Children as Arrows

Psalms 127 Everything done to an arrow is done so that it will fly right when it is let go.  Arrows are proven when they are let go.  Arrows achieve their purpose when they are let go.  Until that moment though, there is much preparation that goes into the making...

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The Family Altar

Think ahead 10-15 years to where your family will be, not physically or careerwise but spiritually. Our children are the future of this church and we are the immediate future.  As you know things die down and get worse so what you are doing now spiritually subtract from that.  Sin...

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Finances by the Bible (Part 3)

Righteousness and sin affect all aspects of our lives.  In this lessons we will look at these two oppose each other when it comes to finances. Work versus Theft Exodus 20:15 vs 2 Thessalonians 3:10 Ephesians 4:28 & Proverbs 13:11 increasing versus diminishing returns Hard working men display a culture...

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Finances By the Bible (Part 2)

1 Timothy 6:17 God gives a warning in 1 Timothy 6:17 about trusting in money.  What a man has acquired compared to others is what he thinks of himself generally.  The goal of today’s study is to show the foolishness of trusting in money and the need to trust in...

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Finances by the Bible (Part 1)

Over the next few weeks we will look at finances by the Bible. Before we look at what the world looks at as a valuable means of exchange – currency – we need to consider God’s economics. What are the commodities that God deems valuable? We know about the world’s...

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Shepherding Your Child’s Heart (Part 2)

Proverbs 4:23 & Luke 8:4-15 REVIEW: Your Child’s Heart is NOT a blank slate – His natural state is sinful and rebellious. What does that mean? It means it is naturally selfish, seeks out its own comfort at other’s expense and its hopes and dreams are wicked (Genesis 8:21). Galatians...

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