The Old Testament Tabernacle : Introduction

The Old Testament Tabernacle Introduction When you are reading through or studying the book of Exodus you will find in Chapters 25- 31 and also in Chapters 36-40 detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle and its furnishings. You will also find the specifics for the priests clothing and how they...

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The Old Testament Tabernacle: Introduction

The Old Testament Tabernacle Introduction   When you are reading through or studying the book of Exodus you will find in Chapters 25- 31 and also in Chapters 36-40 detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle and its furnishings. You will also find the specifics for the priests clothing and how...

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Social Media and Modern-Day Communication

Social Media and Modern-Day Communication Ephesians 4:29 Communication in our society today is not what it was years ago. Today communication is primarily done via text, email, or social media of some sort. Today many adults and most kids are glued to a phone constantly checking their story lines, twitter...

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The Fear of the Lord

The Fear of the Lord  (Hebrews 12:28-29) Today people say that fear is a negative thing and there is really nothing to fear. But as we will see in this lesson the fear of the Lord is not only good for you it is a necessity. In theses verses from...

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Proofs for the Resurrection

Proofs for the Resurrection The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important thing in regards to salvation. As a matter of fact, the resurrection is what separates salvation in Jesus Christ from all other religions in the world today. True Christianity has a risen savior. There have been many...

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The Trinity (Part 2)

The Trinity (Part Two) 1 John 5:7 In the previous lesson we looked at verses which showed that the Trinity existed and was a Bible fact. We saw examples of how God showed us his power and Godhead (Trinity) in creation as it says in the book of Romans. In...

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