Do You Have A Following?

Do You Have A Following Proverbs 2:20 With all the different avenues of social media today it has changed the way teens think of the word following. On social media teens follow people and are alerted to whatever that person has posted. But they never think to ask themselves is...

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Characteristic of a Fool

Characteristics of a Fool Psalm 14:1 The verse for this study is a famous verse and is quoted many times. It is basically saying that you are a fool if you think believe there is no God. Many are offended by this verse and therefore do everything they can to...

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Being a witness.

Being a Witness  (Acts 26:1-26) In the passage before us we see Paul speaking before King Agrippa. In this passage we can see some valuable things in regards to being a witness. The interesting thing here is that with all the doctrine and things that God has showed him since...

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Rightly Dividing: Divisions Lesson #3

Rightly Dividing (2 Timothy 2:15) Divisions Lesson #3 So far in this series we have studied four divisions found in the word of God. Innocence in the Garden, Before the Law, The Law, and The Church Age. This lesson will finish our series on the divisions by looking at The...

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Lessons from the Wise Men

Lesson from the Wise men Matthew 2:1-12 For this lesson we are going to be looking at the visit of the wise men to see Jesus. We will first look at some of the facts concerning this visit. Then we will use the example of how the wise men worshipped...

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Rightly Dividing : Divisions Lesson #2

Rightly Dividing (2 Timothy 2:15) Divisions Lesson #2 In our previous lesson we studied the first two divisions known as Innocence in the Garden and Before the Law. In the first division Adam and Eve were created righteous and had only had to do one thing regarding keeping their righteousness....

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Spiritual Sacrifices

Spiritual Sacrifices Hebrews 13:10-16 In the passage for our lesson we learn that even though we are in the Church Age and Levitical priesthood has been done away with, we are still said to offer sacrifices. These sacrifices are not atonements for sin or even animal sacrifices. But they are...

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