Being Accountable to God

Being Accountable to God In this lesson we are going to be discussing what some people refer to as the age of accountability. The reason we are not using the term age of accountability is because it can be confusing. It makes one think that there is a specific age...

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Discretion Proverbs 2:11-22 In this lesson we are going to look at the word discretion. Discretion is something that must be taught, and it is lacking in our society today. As we will see in this lesson discretion is a necessity in this life and it can save you from...

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An Important Memorial

An Important Memorial Exodus 17:8-16 In this passage we see the first battle that Israel faced as a nation after leaving Egypt. In this battle Joshua is chosen to lead Israel while Moses, Aaron and Hur go up to the top of the hill. During the battle when Moses holds...

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Doctrines of Salvation Study Lesson #1 Righteousness

Doctrines of Salvation Study Lesson #1 Righteousness We begin our study of Doctrines connected with Salvation by looking at the word righteousness. We will use the word righteous instead of saved because the word saved can make it hard for us to understand how God dealt differently with people during...

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Don’t be a Scorner

Don’t be a Scorner The scorner is found many times in the word of God especially in the book of Proverbs. In this lesson we will look at what a scorner is, some characteristics of a scorner, judgment for a scorner and some areas where saved people can become scorners...

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