Doers and not hearers only

Doers and Not Hearers Only James 1:22-25 This is a very familiar passage to many. It has been taught and preached to us numerous times. In this lesson we will focus on the illustration of the Bible as a mirror to show how we can not only hear what the...

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Why We Sing the Hymns

Why We Sing The Hymns Colossians 3:16 In church services today many have chosen to replace the Hymns with other types of songs. In Colossians 3:16 we are told to sing Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs. In this lesson we are going to look at what makes something a good...

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Creation Lesson #6

Creation Lesson #6 (Genesis 2:5-17 ; 3:1-7) In this lesson we are going to look at some of the verses that deal with the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve’s responsibilities in the Garden of Eden and their temptation and fall. Verses 5-6: One of the main things to see...

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Creation Lesson #5

Creation Lesson # 5 (Genesis 2:7,21-15) In Genesis 2 God gives some specific details about the days of the re-creation from chapter one. This is not an additional creation or something new but God, telling us exactly how he created certain things. We are not going to study the chapter...

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Consent thou Not

Consent thou Not (Proverbs 1:10-19) “Consent thou not” is one of the first teaching for us in the book of Proverbs. This teaching is important because it deals with the temptation to sin, and the invitation to sin from an outside source. What does it mean to give consent? Consent...

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What if we could see into the future?

What if we could see into the Future? Ecclesiastes 3:22 At the end of Ecclesiastes 3:22, Solomon ask an important question regarding man. The question is, “who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?” This gives us an interesting thought, what if we could see into the...

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Creation Lesson #4

Creation Lesson #4 (Genesis 1:24-2:4) In this lesson we will look at the 6th and 7th day of the re-creation. We will study the creation of cattle, creeping things, beast of the earth, and man. Also, we will look at where God rested on the 7th day. Day 6 :...

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Creation Lesson #3

Creation Lesson #3 (Genesis 1:9-23) In the previous lesson we saw that God created a firmament and separated the waters above the firmament from the water below the firmament. God called the firmament Heaven. Day Three : (Genesis 1:9-13) On the 3rd day God gathers the water that are under...

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Our Heart Needs a Guide

Our Heart Needs a Guide (Proverbs 23:19) In this lesson we will look at the subject of guiding our heart. When it comes our heart the word of God has a lot to say. In the key verse for this study there are two important things regarding the heart. The...

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Creation Lesson #2

Creation Lesson #2 (Genesis 1:3-8) In the previous lesson we learned that something happened between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. What happened was that God destroyed the original earth from Genesis 1:1. Therefore what we are about to see in this lesson and the next several lessons, is that God in...

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