The Visit of the Wise Men

The Visit of the Wise Men  (Matthew 2:1-15) In this lesson we are going to look at the visit made by the wise men to see the baby Jesus. We will look at how they knew when to come and what their purpose was in coming to see the baby...

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The Shepherd’s, The First Visitors

The Shepherd’s, The First Visitors (Luke 2:1-20) In this lesson we will look at the shepherds who were the first to visit the Lord Jesus Christ after his birth. Also in the passage for this lesson we see that the phrase “in a manger” is found three times. God is...

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Salvation Series Lesson #8 Adoption

Salvation Series : Lesson #8 Adoption In this lesson we are going to be studying the subject of Adoption. Now for many this is simply connected with being adopted into the family of God in connection with being born again. But the question then becomes if we are born again...

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Why do we need integrity?

Why do we need Integrity Job 2:3,9 In this lesson we are going to look at the subject of integrity. In the world that we live in today we do not see very much integrity in people anymore. For this lesson we are going to look at the first two...

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Salvation Series : Lesson #5 Eternal Security

Salvation Series Lesson #5 : Eternal Security In this lesson we are going to deal with the subject of Eternal Security. This is a very important subject because it is one of the key differences between the Baptist doctrine and all other denominations. As you will see in this lesson...

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