Satan’s Hidden Influence : Introduction

Satan’s Hidden Influence Introduction The purpose of this series is to show many of the different ways in which Satan influences the things of this world from a behind the scenes standpoint. In this introduction lesson we will show how Satan is the God of this world and also how...

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A Great Miracle

A Great Miracle Joshua 10:1-14 After the Gibeonites made a league with Israel the 5 kings of the Amorites gathered together and went to destroy the Gibeonites. The children of Gibeon sent for Israel and ask them to help them. Joshua and the children of Israel went to help the...

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What does our High Priest do for Us?

What does our High Priest do for Us? Hebrews 4:14-16 In this lesson we will study some of the things that Jesus Christ does for us as our great High Priest. We will also look at why the Lord Jesus is a merciful and faithful High Priest. Many of the...

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Are we real Christians

Are We Real Christians Acts 11:26 The lesson for today is going to deal with being a real Christian. Now by this we do not mean being saved. The world today has come to think that being saved is the same thing as being a Christian. But if you look...

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Commitments (2 Timothy 1:12-14)  In the above passage the word committed used in verses 12 & 14. The word committed comes from the word commit. A good explanation for how the word is used in this context would be, to give in trust or to put into the power of...

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Deceived by Appearance

Deceived by Appearance Joshua 9:1-27 In this lesson from the book of Joshua we will look at what happened when the children of Israel were deceived by the Gibeonite and tricked into making peace with them. The spiritual application for us from this passage will be that we cannot judge...

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Learning from God’s Word About Israel

Learning from God’s Word About Israel Genesis 12:1-9 There is a lot going on in the news and on social media regarding the nation of Israel today. From the war in Gaza, Iran’s attack of Israel, to antisemitic protest at college campuses and other places throughout our country. During these...

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