A Study in 2 Thessalonians : Introduction

A Study in 2 Thessalonians : Introduction In this study we will go through the book of Second Thessalonians. It will not be a verse by verse study of the book but instead will look at many of the verses and teaching that are found throughout the book. In the book...

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Witnesses to the Resurrection

Witnesses to the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-8) This lesson will deal with the some of the people who were witnesses to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The fact that there are witnesses to this event is very important for us today because there are many who say that...

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Being accountable to God.

Being Accountable to God In this lesson we are going to be discussing what some people refer to as the age of accountability. The reason we are not using the term age of accountability is because it can be confusing. It makes one think that there is a specific age...

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What was Jesus Made for Us?

What was Jesus Made for Us (1 Corinthians 1:26-31) In this lesson we are going to look at four things Jesus Christ was made for us. In verse 30 Jesus is said to be made wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption for us. With these four things we will see that...

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Things that are eternal

Things that are Eternal (Ecclesiastes 3:1-22)  This lesson will come out of the book of Ecclesiastes which is written by Solomon. We must remember that Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes from the view point of man, so we must be careful when applying this book to our lives. Nevertheless God did include...

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Striving to keep envy out of our lives.

Striving to Keep Envy Out of Our Lives Romans 13:13 ; Galatians 5:26 Envy is a very difficult thing to keep out of our lives. As we will see in this lesson Envy affects every one of us in some way. Envy also has some horrible results. In the end...

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