God and his Word

God and his Word Ecclesiastes 8:4   In this lesson we are going to look at some scriptural facts concerning the word of God that will help us to know for sure that God is the author of his word. Many people have different reasons for not believing in God...

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How to Study the Word of God

How to Study the Word of God 1 Timothy 2:15 The verse for our lesson simply tells us to study, and the purpose is to rightly divide the word of truth so that we are a workman who is not ashamed. It is not the only time the word is used...

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Separated Unto

Separated Unto Romans 1:1 In the verse for this passage Paul says that he is “separated unto the gospel of God”. In this lesson we will explore the concept of being separated unto something and not just from something. Separated From:  We are told to be separate from the world...

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Things Money Cannot Buy

Things Money Cannot Buy : 1 Timothy 6:10 In this lesson we are going to be looking at some of the things that money cannot buy. It is evident to all that we live in a world where money is the principle concern of most people. Hence, there are many...

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Salvation Simplified

Salvation Simplified  In this lesson we are going to deal with the Need of Salvation, the way of Salvation, and the knowledge of Salvation. This would be a good lesson for someone who is not sure of their salvation or someone who is sure that they are saved and wants...

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Faith and Authority

Faith and Authority (Luke 7:1-10) In this lesson we will look at the connection between faith and authority. The passage that we will use is the healing of the centurion’s servant. Right after the sermon on the mount Jesus enters into Capernaum. There was a Roman centurion whose servant was...

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Things That Endure Forever

Things That Endure Forever 1 Peter 1:23-25 The word of God is said to live forever and to endure forever in this passage. But it in comparison we see that man and his glory fades like the grass. This gives us two important thoughts for our lesson. First we must...

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What is a Testimony?

What is a Testimony Psalm 19:7 First let us look at the definition of the word testimony from the dictionary. Testimony – A solemn declaration of affirmation made for the purpose of establishing or proving                     some fact.                      Open attestation, profession. The testimony of Lord and Jesus Christ...

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