Do we have any Shame?

 Do we have any Shame? In this lesson we are going to study the word shame. We will look at a definition for the word and also the 1st occurrence of the word in the word of God. We will also look at some ways that we can shame ourselves...

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My Memorial unto All Generations

My Memorial unto All Generations Exodus 3:13-16 This is a very well-known passage of scripture. It is where God tells Moses that his name is “I AM THAT I AM”. But note that in the passage that his name is said to be “a memorial unto all generations”. In this...

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A lesson in strength.

A Lesson In Strength (2 Chronicles 26:1-21) In this the passage of scripture given for our lesson we can learn a valuable lesson on strength. Uzziah became the king of Judah when he was 16 years old. The Bible says that he did that which was right according to the...

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The Sluggard

The Sluggard Proverbs 13:4 The word sluggard is found 6 times in the book of Proverbs. One of those is found in the verse for this lesson. In this lesson we define the word sluggard and look at this word throughout Proverbs to learn the characteristics of a sluggard and...

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