The Earnest of Our Inheritance

What is the Earnest of Our Inheritance? Ephesians 1:12-14 In this lesson we will be doing a doctrinal study of the passage given above. In the passage the phrase “the earnest of our inheritance” is found. This phrase will be the subject of this lesson. The doctrinal application is definitely...

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Being in the Body of Jesus Christ

Being in the Body of Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 In the passage before us we see the body of Jesus Christ likened unto a human body. Just as the human body is made up of many members and each of these members having a distinct part so is the...

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Liberty in Christ

Liberty in Christ Galatians 5:1 In this lesson we are going to study some of the things that Jesus Christ has made us free from. When we think about liberty we usually think about freedom. While we cannot just do whatever we want as a saved person there are many...

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Saul’s Envy

Saul’s Envy  (1 Samuel 18:1-19) In the passage before us we see that after David had killed Goliath and everyone returned from the battle, that the women were praising David more than Saul. They said that Saul had killed thousands but David had killed ten thousands. Saul could not handle...

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Characteristics of a Good Friend

Characteristics of a Good Friend 1 Samuel 18:1-5 In this passage the word of God tells us how David and Jonathan became friends. Their friendship was one of the great friendships found in the word of God. Not only did they have a love for one another but this love...

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What is True Religion

What is True Religion : James 1:18-27 There are hundreds of religions in the world today with thousands of people claiming different religions or no religion at all. The media and the world that we live in today are constantly using the word religion without a clear understanding of what...

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What Does The Resurrection Do For Us?

What does the Resurrection Do For Us In this lesson we are going to look at five things the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead does for us. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is one of the most important things for the saved person. Without the resurrection...

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