
Forgiveness (Ephesians 4:32) This is one of the great verses in the word of God in regards to forgiving others as saved people. It is often quoted in sermons and teachings on the subject. In this lesson we will look at some verses and biblical principles on forgiveness. The example...

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A Woman of Great Faith

A Woman of Great Faith (Matthew 15:21-28) In this lesson we will look at the passage where Jesus healed the daughter of the Syrophenician woman who was possessed with a devil. This is another great place in the scripture where we can learn something in regards to faith. Jesus himself...

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Sowing and Reaping

Sowing and Reaping Galatians 6:7-9 In this lesson we are going to look at some of the basic principles of sowing and reaping. There are many different ways that we can apply this passage spiritual to our lives. For example it can be applied to sowing the gospel and witnessing...

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What happens when Satan is in control?

What happens when Satan is in Control? Luke 22:1-6 In this lesson we are going to look at what happened when Satan entered into Judas and he betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ. In this lesson we will not be referring to a person being demon possessed but we will be...

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Looking well to thy herds.

Looking Well to thy Herds (Proverbs 27:23-27)  The passage for this lesson is a unique passage and it is often used for pastors in regards to tending to their churches. But if we look at it carefully there is a lot everyone can get out of this passage. There is...

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Who and what are you following?

Who and What are You Following Proverbs 2:20 Whether we realize it or not we are following something or someone. In this verse we see both the people to follow and the path that they are on. Jesus in the New Testament simplified life into two paths. The Narrow way...

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Being accountable to God.

Being Accountable to God In this lesson we are going to be discussing what some people refer to as the age of accountability. The reason we are not using the term age of accountability is because it can be confusing. It makes one think that there is a specific age...

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What was Jesus Made for Us?

What was Jesus Made for Us (1 Corinthians 1:26-31) In this lesson we are going to look at four things Jesus Christ was made for us. In verse 30 Jesus is said to be made wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption for us. With these four things we will see that...

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