The Glorified Body

The Glorified Body 1 Corinthians 15:35-50 This lesson deals with the subject of the glorified body. What is the Glorified Body? It is the new Body that saved people from the Church Age receive at the Rapture of the Church. In 1 Corinthians 15:35-50 Paul is talking about the resurrection...

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What a Young Person Can Do

What a Young Person Can Do 1 Samuel 17:1-52 In this lesson we will focus on David who despite being young accomplished a great feat. Many today do not believe that young people can do very much especially when it comes to doing something for God. But sometimes young people...

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The Wise Man’s Eyes Are In His Head

The Wise Man’s Eyes are in His Head Ecclesiastes 2:14 In this lesson from the book of Ecclesiastes we are going to look at what at first might seem like a very odd phrase. The phrase is found in Ecclesiastes 2:14. It is as follows, “The wise man’s eyes are...

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A New Creature in Christ

A New Creature in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17 In this lesson we are going to look at what it means to be a new creature in Christ Jesus. As a part of this we will discuss some of the doctrinal aspects of salvation as well as some practical things that...

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The Gifts of the Wise Men

The Gifts of the Wise Men Matthew 2:1-11 This is a familiar passage especially around the time of Christmas. The wise men from the east that came to visit Jesus brought him gifts. The gifts that they brought were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. In this lesson we will look at...

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A Child is Born and a Son is Given

A Child is Born and a Son is Given (Part 2)  Isaiah 9:6 In the first part of this lesson, we looked at how this verse shows Deity of Jesus Christ. We also connected it with the virgin birth which doctrinally shows us how Jesus could be God manifest in...

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A Child is Born and a Son is Given

A Child is Born and a Son is Given Isaiah 9:6-7 In the verse for this study we are looking at a prophesy about the Lord Jesus Christ. Since this prophesy mentions the birth of Jesus Christ it is often quoted from during the Christmas season. This verse is a...

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