The Glorified Body

The Glorified Body 1 Corinthians 15:35-50 This lesson will deal with the subject of the glorified body. This is the body that a saved person from the church age will receive when they are resurrected at the Rapture of the church. It is also the body that a saved person...

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Genesis Lesson #16

Creation Lesson #16 Noah and His 3 Sons (Genesis 9:18-29) In this lesson we are going to look at what happened to Noah and his family after they left the ark. We have already seen how that many things changed in regards to what Noah and his family could eat...

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Creation Lesson #15

Creation Lesson # 15 Changes after the Flood (Genesis 8:20-9:19) In this lesson we are going to look at how things changed when Noah got off the ark. Now this is important when studying creation because things on earth changed as a result of the flood. For instance you will...

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Creation Lesson #14

Creation Lesson #14 The Typology of the Ark (Genesis 6-8) In this lesson we are going to take Noah’s ark and look at how it is both a type of Jesus Christ and our salvation. When we talk about types we are not saying that the ark is Jesus Christ...

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Creation Lesson #13

Creation Lesson #13 Facts and figures of the Flood (Genesis 6:8-8:22)  The flood that is found in Genesis chapters 6-8 is one of the main points for people that do not believe the Bible. This portion of scripture is even doubted by some who profess to believe in Jesus Christ....

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Creation Lesson #12

Creation Lesson #12 Who are these sons of God (Genesis 6:1-7) In these verses of Genesis 6 we will see the degeneration of mankind and the reason for the flood that God sends to destroy mankind from off the earth. But we also see the sons of God mentioned in...

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