Creation Lesson #11

Creation Lesson #11 Genealogies are Important (Genesis 4:16-5:32) In this lesson we will learn some very interesting things from studying a genealogy. Many times we will simply read through a genealogy and not give it very much thought. But they are very important when studying the word of God. Many...

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Creation Lesson #10

Creation Lesson #10 Two types of People (Genesis 4:1-15) In this lesson we will see many first in the Bible for instance the first people born on the earth, the first murder and murderer, and the first person cursed in the Bible. We will also see many types in this...

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Creation Lesson #9

Creation Lesson #9 Results of Sin Continued (Genesis 3:14-24)  In this lesson we are going to continue looking at the results of Adam and Eve’s sin. As we stated last time these results still affect us today. In the previous lesson we saw what happened to Adam and Eve spiritually....

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Creation Lesson #8 (Genesis 3:7-13)

Creation Lesson #8 (Genesis 3:7-13) Results of Sin (Genesis 3:7-13) In the previous lesson we saw how Satan tempted Eve and how both her and Adam ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and committed the first sin by mankind. Now we took from that some valuable...

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Creation Lesson #7 (Genesis 3:1-7)

Creation Lesson #7 (Genesis 3:1-7) In this lesson we will be looking specifically at the first time that man sinned on the earth. Now this is very significant because this is where we see the reason for mankind being a sinner. It is because of this sin that mankind needed...

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Creation Lesson #6 (Genesis 2:5-6; 8-17)

Creation Lesson #6 (Genesis 2:5-6;8-17) In this lesson we are going to look at some of the verses that deal with the Garden of Eden. As we will show it is important to remember that the place was called Eden and the God put a garden eastward in Eden. Verses...

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Creation Lesson #5 (Genesis 2:7,21-25)

Creation Lesson #5 (Genesis 2:7,21-25) In Genesis 2 God goes back and gives some specific details about the days of creation in chapter one. This is not an additional creation or something new but here God tells us exactly how he did certain things. Now we are not necessarily going...

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Creation Lesson #4 (Genesis 1:24-2:4)

Creation Lesson #4 (Genesis 1:24-2:4)  In this lesson we will look at the 6th and 7th day of the re-creation. We will see the creation of cattle, creeping things, beast of the earth and man. Also we will look at where God rested on the 7th day. Day 6 :...

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Creation Lesson #3 (Genesis 1:9-23)

Creation Lesson #3 (Genesis 1:9-23) In the previous lesson we saw that God created a firmament and separated the waters above the firmament from the water below the firmament and called the firmament Heaven. Day Three : (Genesis 1:9-13) On the 3rd day we see God forms the Seas and...

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Creation Lesson #2 (Genesis 1:3-8)

Creation Lesson #2 (Genesis 1:3-8) In the previous lesson we learned that something happened between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Now what happened was that God destroyed the original earth from Genesis 1:1. Therefore what we are about to see in this lesson and the next several lessons is that God...

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